Welcome to OpenStructure

Open-Source Computational Structural Biology Framework

The Framework at a Glance

Molecular Structures

Work with proteins, nucleic acids and ligands


Compare a model against a reference

Density Maps

Image Processing in 2 and 3 dimensions

Sequence Data

Work with sequence data of various kinds

Batch Processing

Write scripts to automate your workflows

Graphical User Interface

Visually-enhanced development of algorithms

What Is It?

This project aims to provide an open-source, modular, flexible, molecular modelling and visualization environment. It is targeted at interested method developers in the field of structural bioinformatics.

Try OpenStructure

Download the latest stable release (2.9.2) for your platform and read the tutorials

Financial Support

Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics

Biozentrum, University of Basel


New release 2.9.2

OST 2.9.2 released

New release 2.9.1

OST 2.9.1 released

New release 2.9

OST 2.9 released