OpenStructure provides several Dialogs which can be called from its many menus in the top bar.

Scene Menu¶
Structurally superpose two entities.
The Superpose entry in the Scene menu is only accessible if two instances of the graphical Entity are selected.
- class SuperpositionDialog(ent_one, ent_two, parent=None)¶
Provides a graphical user interface to structurally superpose two entities. Uses function Superpose(). The RMSD of two superposed molecules will be stored in attribute rmsd. An index for the selected reference molecule will be stored in attribute reference.
- ent_one (EntityView, EntityHandle or Entity) – The first entity
- ent_two (EntityView, EntityHandle or Entity) – The second entity
Example Usage:
e1=io.LoadPDB('examples/code_fragments/entity/pdb1ake.ent') e2=io.LoadPDB('examples/code_fragments/entity/pdb4ake.ent') sd = ost.gui.dng.superpositiondialog.SuperpositionDialog(e1, e2) g1=gfx.Entity('G1', e1) g2=gfx.Entity('G2', e2) scene.Add(g1) scene.Add(g2) if sd.reference == 0: scene.CenterOn(g1) else: scene.CenterOn(g2) if sd.rmsd != None: LogScript('RMSD: %.3f'%sd.rmsd)