OST Actions¶
A pure command line interface of OST is provided by actions.
You can execute ost -h
for a list of possible actions and for every action,
you can type ost <ACTION> -h
to get a description on its usage.
Here we list the most prominent actions with simple examples.
Comparing two structures¶
You can compare two structures from the command line with the
ost compare-structures
action. This can be considered a command line
interface to ost.mol.alg.scoring.Scorer
underwent a complete rewrite in OpenStructure
release 2.4.0. The old version is still available as
with documentation available
Details on the usage (output of ost compare-structures --help
usage: ost compare-structures [-h] -m MODEL -r REFERENCE [-o OUTPUT]
[-mf {pdb,cif,mmcif}] [-rf {pdb,cif,mmcif}]
[-rna] [-ec] [-d] [-ds DUMP_SUFFIX] [-ft]
[--local-lddt] [--bb-lddt] [--bb-local-lddt]
[--cad-score] [--local-cad-score]
[--cad-exec CAD_EXEC]
[--usalign-exec USALIGN_EXEC]
[--override-usalign-mapping] [--qs-score]
[--dockq] [--ics] [--ips] [--rigid-scores]
[--patch-scores] [--tm-score]
[--n-max-naive N_MAX_NAIVE]
[--dump-aligned-residues] [--dump-pepnuc-alns]
[--min-pep-length MIN_PEP_LENGTH]
[--min-nuc-length MIN_NUC_LENGTH]
Evaluate model against reference
Example: ost compare-structures -m model.pdb -r reference.cif
Loads the structures and performs basic cleanup:
* Assign elements according to the PDB Chemical Component Dictionary
* Map nonstandard residues to their parent residues as defined by the PDB
Chemical Component Dictionary, e.g. phospho-serine => serine
* Remove hydrogens
* Remove OXT atoms
* Remove unknown atoms, i.e. atoms that are not expected according to the PDB
Chemical Component Dictionary
* Select for peptide/nucleotide residues
The cleaned structures are optionally dumped using -d/--dump-structures
Output is written in JSON format (default: out.json). In case of no additional
options, this is a dictionary with 8 keys describing model/reference comparison:
* "reference_chains": Chain names of reference
* "model_chains": Chain names of model
* "chem_groups": Groups of polypeptides/polynucleotides from reference that
are considered chemically equivalent. You can derive stoichiometry from this.
Contains only chains that are considered in chain mapping, i.e. pass a
size threshold (defaults: 10 for peptides, 4 for nucleotides).
* "chem_mapping": List of same length as "chem_groups". Assigns model chains to
the respective chem group. Again, only contains chains that are considered
in chain mapping.
* "chain_mapping": A dictionary with reference chain names as keys and the
mapped model chain names as values. Missing chains are either not mapped
(but present in "chem_groups", "chem_mapping") or were not considered in
chain mapping (short peptides etc.)
* "aln": Pairwise sequence alignment for each pair of mapped chains in fasta
* "inconsistent_residues": List of strings that represent name mismatches of
aligned residues in form
Inconsistencies may lead to corrupt results but do not abort the program.
Program abortion in these cases can be enforced with
* "status": SUCCESS if everything ran through. In case of failure, the only
content of the JSON output will be "status" set to FAILURE and an
additional key: "traceback".
The following additional keys store relevant input parameters to reproduce
* "model"
* "reference"
* "fault_tolerant"
* "model_biounit"
* "reference_biounit"
* "residue_number_alignment"
* "enforce_consistency"
* "cad_exec"
* "usalign_exec"
* "lddt_no_stereochecks"
* "min_pep_length"
* "min_nuc_length"
The pairwise sequence alignments are computed with Needleman-Wunsch using
BLOSUM62 (NUC44 for nucleotides). Many benchmarking scenarios preprocess the
structures to ensure matching residue numbers (CASP/CAMEO). In these cases,
enabling -rna/--residue-number-alignment is recommended.
Each score is opt-in and can be enabled with optional arguments.
Example to compute global and per-residue lDDT values as well as QS-score:
ost compare-structures -m model.pdb -r reference.cif --lddt --local-lddt --qs-score
Example to inject custom chain mapping
ost compare-structures -m model.pdb -r reference.cif -c A:B B:A
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m MODEL, --model MODEL
Path to model file.
Path to reference file.
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output file name. The output will be saved as a JSON
file. default: out.json
-mf {pdb,cif,mmcif}, --model-format {pdb,cif,mmcif}
Format of model file. pdb reads pdb but also pdb.gz,
same applies to cif/mmcif. Inferred from filepath if
not given.
-rf {pdb,cif,mmcif}, --reference-format {pdb,cif,mmcif}
Format of reference file. pdb reads pdb but also
pdb.gz, same applies to cif/mmcif. Inferred from
filepath if not given.
-mb MODEL_BIOUNIT, --model-biounit MODEL_BIOUNIT
Only has an effect if model is in mmcif format. By
default, the asymmetric unit (AU) is used for scoring.
If there are biounits defined in the mmcif file, you
can specify the (0-based) index of the one which
should be used.
Only has an effect if reference is in mmcif format. By
default, the asymmetric unit (AU) is used for scoring.
If there are biounits defined in the mmcif file, you
can specify the (0-based) index of the one which
should be used.
-rna, --residue-number-alignment
Make alignment based on residue number instead of
using a global BLOSUM62-based alignment (NUC44 for
-ec, --enforce-consistency
Enforce consistency. By default residue name
discrepancies between a model and reference are
reported but the program proceeds. If this flag is ON,
the program fails for these cases.
-d, --dump-structures
Dump cleaned structures used to calculate all the
scores as PDB files using specified suffix. Files will
be dumped to the same location as original files.
-ds DUMP_SUFFIX, --dump-suffix DUMP_SUFFIX
Use this suffix to dump structures. Defaults to
-ft, --fault-tolerant
Fault tolerant parsing.
Custom mapping of chains between the reference and the
model. Each separate mapping consist of key:value
pairs where key is the chain name in reference and
value is the chain name in model.
--lddt Compute global lDDT score with default
parameterization and store as key "lddt".
Stereochemical irregularities affecting lDDT are
reported as keys "model_clashes", "model_bad_bonds",
"model_bad_angles" and the respective reference
--local-lddt Compute per-residue lDDT scores with default
parameterization and store as key "local_lddt". Score
for each residue is accessible by key
<chain_name>.<resnum>.<resnum_inscode>. Residue with
number 42 in chain X can be extracted with:
data["local_lddt"]["X.42."]. If there is an insertion
code, lets say A, the residue key becomes "X.42.A".
Stereochemical irregularities affecting lDDT are
reported as keys "model_clashes", "model_bad_bonds",
"model_bad_angles" and the respective reference
counterparts. Atoms specified in there follow the
following format:
--bb-lddt Compute global lDDT score with default
parameterization and store as key "bb_lddt". lDDT in
this case is only computed on backbone atoms: CA for
peptides and C3' for nucleotides
--bb-local-lddt Compute per-residue lDDT scores with default
parameterization and store as key "bb_local_lddt".
lDDT in this case is only computed on backbone atoms:
CA for peptides and C3' for nucleotides. Per-residue
scores are accessible as described for local_lddt.
--cad-score Compute global CAD's atom-atom (AA) score and store as
key "cad_score". --residue-number-alignment must be
enabled to compute this score. Requires
voronota_cadscore executable in PATH. Alternatively
you can set cad-exec.
--local-cad-score Compute local CAD's atom-atom (AA) scores and store as
key "local_cad_score". Per-residue scores are
accessible as described for local_lddt. --residue-
number-alignments must be enabled to compute this
score. Requires voronota_cadscore executable in PATH.
Alternatively you can set cad-exec.
--cad-exec CAD_EXEC Path to voronota-cadscore executable (installed from
Searches PATH if not set.
--usalign-exec USALIGN_EXEC
Path to USalign executable to compute TM-score. If not
given, an OpenStructure internal copy of USalign code
is used.
--qs-score Compute QS-score, stored as key "qs_global", and the
QS-best variant, stored as key "qs_best". Interfaces
in the reference with non-zero contribution to QS-
score are available as key "qs_reference_interfaces",
the ones from the model as key "qs_model_interfaces".
"qs_interfaces" is a subset of
"qs_reference_interfaces" that contains interfaces
that can be mapped to the model. They are stored as
lists in format [ref_ch1, ref_ch2, mdl_ch1, mdl_ch2].
The respective per-interface scores for
"qs_interfaces" are available as keys
"per_interface_qs_global" and "per_interface_qs_best"
--dockq Compute DockQ scores and its components. Relevant
interfaces with at least one contact (any atom within
5A) of the reference structure are available as key
"dockq_reference_interfaces". Only interfaces between
peptide chains are considered here! Key
"dockq_interfaces" is a subset of
"dockq_reference_interfaces" that contains interfaces
that can be mapped to the model. They are stored as
lists in format [ref_ch1, ref_ch2, mdl_ch1, mdl_ch2].
The respective DockQ scores for "dockq_interfaces" are
available as key "dockq". It's components are
available as keys: "fnat" (fraction of reference
contacts which are also there in model) "irmsd"
(interface RMSD), "lrmsd" (ligand RMSD). The DockQ
score is strictly designed to score each interface
individually. We also provide two averaged versions to
get one full model score: "dockq_ave", "dockq_wave".
The first is simply the average of "dockq_scores", the
latter is a weighted average with weights derived from
number of contacts in the reference interfaces. These
two scores only consider interfaces that are present
in both, the model and the reference. "dockq_ave_full"
and "dockq_wave_full" add zeros in the average
computation for each interface that is only present in
the reference but not in the model.
--ics Computes interface contact similarity (ICS) related
scores. A contact between two residues of different
chains is defined as having at least one heavy atom
within 5A. Contacts in reference structure are
available as key "reference_contacts". Each contact
specifies the interacting residues in format
"<cname>.<rnum>.<ins_code>". Model contacts are
available as key "model_contacts". The precision which
is available as key "ics_precision" reports the
fraction of model contacts that are also present in
the reference. The recall which is available as key
"ics_recall" reports the fraction of reference
contacts that are correctly reproduced in the model.
The ICS score (Interface Contact Similarity) available
as key "ics" combines precision and recall using the
F1-measure. All these measures are also available on a
per-interface basis for each interface in the
reference structure that are defined as chain pairs
with at least one contact (available as key
"contact_reference_interfaces"). The respective
metrics are available as keys
"per_interface_ics_recall" and "per_interface_ics".
--ips Computes interface patch similarity (IPS) related
scores. They focus on interface residues. They are
defined as having at least one contact to a residue
from any other chain. In short: if they show up in the
contact lists used to compute ICS. If ips is enabled,
these contacts get reported too and are available as
keys "reference_contacts" and "model_contacts".The
precision which is available as key "ips_precision"
reports the fraction of model interface residues, that
are also interface residues in the reference. The
recall which is available as key "ips_recall" reports
the fraction of reference interface residues that are
also interface residues in the model. The IPS score
(Interface Patch Similarity) available as key "ips" is
the Jaccard coefficient between interface residues in
reference and model. All these measures are also
available on a per-interface basis for each interface
in the reference structure that are defined as chain
pairs with at least one contact (available as key
"contact_reference_interfaces"). The respective
metrics are available as keys
"per_interface_ips_recall" and "per_interface_ips".
--rigid-scores Computes rigid superposition based scores. They're
based on a Kabsch superposition of all mapped CA
positions (C3' for nucleotides). Makes the following
keys available: "oligo_gdtts": GDT with distance
thresholds [1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0] given these positions
and transformation, "oligo_gdtha": same with
thresholds [0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0], "rmsd": RMSD given
these positions and transformation, "transform": the
used 4x4 transformation matrix that superposes model
onto reference.
--patch-scores Local interface quality score used in CASP15. Scores
each model residue that is considered in the interface
(CB pos within 8A of any CB pos from another chain (CA
for GLY)). The local neighborhood gets represented by
"interface patches" which are scored with QS-score and
DockQ. Scores where not the full patches are
represented by the reference are set to None. Model
interface residues are available as key
"model_interface_residues", reference interface
residues as key "reference_interface_residues".
Residues are represented as string in form
<chain_name>.<resnum>.<resnum_inscode>. The respective
scores are available as keys "patch_qs" and
--tm-score Computes TM-score with the USalign tool. Also computes
a chain mapping in case of complexes that is stored in
the same format as the default mapping. TM-score and
the mapping are available as keys "tm_score" and
Disable stereochecks for lDDT computation
--n-max-naive N_MAX_NAIVE
Parameter for chain mapping. If the number of possible
mappings is <= *n_max_naive*, the full mapping
solution space is enumerated to find the the mapping
with optimal QS-score. A heuristic is used otherwise.
The default of 40320 corresponds to an octamer (8! =
40320). A structure with stoichiometry A6B2 would be
6!*2! = 1440 etc.
Dump additional info on aligned model and reference
--dump-pepnuc-alns Dump alignments of mapped chains but with sequences
that did not undergo Molck preprocessing in the
scorer. Sequences are extracted from model/target
after undergoing selection for peptide and nucleotide
Dump additional info on model and reference residues
that occur in pepnuc alignments.
--min-pep-length MIN_PEP_LENGTH
Relevant parameter if short peptides are involved in
scoring.Minimum peptide length for a chain in the
target structure to be considered in chain mapping.
The chain mapping algorithm first performs an all vs.
all pairwise sequence alignment to identify "equal"
chains within the target structure. We go for simple
sequence identity there. Short sequences can be
problematic as they may produce high sequence identity
alignments by pure chance.
--min-nuc-length MIN_NUC_LENGTH
Relevant parameter if short nucleotides are involved
in scoring.Minimum nucleotide length for a chain in
the target structure to be considered in chain
mapping. The chain mapping algorithm first performs an
all vs. all pairwise sequence alignment to identify
"equal" chains within the target structure. We go for
simple sequence identity there. Short sequences can be
problematic as they may produce high sequence identity
alignments by pure chance.
Comparing two structures with ligands¶
You can compare two structures with non-polymer/small molecule ligands and
compute lDDT-PLI and ligand RMSD scores from the command line with the
ost compare-ligand-structures
action. This can be considered a command
line interface to ost.mol.alg.ligand_scoring.LigandScorer
Details on the usage (output of ost compare-ligand-structures --help
usage: ost compare-ligand-structures [-h] -m MODEL [-ml [MODEL_LIGANDS ...]]
[-o OUTPUT] [-mf {pdb,mmcif,cif}]
[-rf {pdb,mmcif,cif}] [-ft] [-rna] [-ec] [-sm]
[-ra] [--lddt-pli] [--rmsd] [--radius RADIUS]
[--lddt-pli-radius LDDT_PLI_RADIUS]
[--lddt-lp-radius LDDT_LP_RADIUS]
[-v VERBOSITY] [--n-max-naive N_MAX_NAIVE]
Evaluate model with non-polymer/small molecule ligands against reference.
Example: ost compare-ligand-structures \
-m model.pdb \
-ml ligand.sdf \
-r reference.cif \
--lddt-pli --rmsd
Structures of polymer entities (proteins and nucleotides) can be given in PDB
or mmCIF format. If the structure is given in mmCIF format, only the asymmetric
unit (AU) is used for scoring.
Ligands can be given as path to SDF files containing the ligand for both model
(--model-ligands/-ml) and reference (--reference-ligands/-rl). If omitted,
ligands will be detected in the model and reference structures. For structures
given in mmCIF format, this is based on the annotation as "non polymer entity"
(i.e. ligands in the _pdbx_entity_nonpoly mmCIF category) and works reliably.
For structures given in PDB format, this is based on the HET records and is
normally not what you want. You should always give ligands as SDF for
structures in PDB format.
Polymer/oligomeric ligands (saccharides, peptides, nucleotides) are not
Only minimal cleanup steps are performed (remove hydrogens, and for structures
of polymers only, remove unknown atoms and cleanup element column).
Ligands in mmCIF and PDB files must comply with the PDB component dictionary
definition, and have properly named residues and atoms, in order for
ligand connectivity to be loaded correctly. Ligands loaded from SDF files
are exempt from this restriction, meaning any arbitrary ligand can be assessed.
Output is written in JSON format (default: out.json). In case of no additional
options, this is a dictionary with three keys:
* "model_ligands": A list of ligands in the model. If ligands were provided
explicitly with --model-ligands, elements of the list will be the paths to
the ligand SDF file(s). Otherwise, they will be the chain name, residue
number and insertion code of the ligand, separated by a dot.
* "reference_ligands": A list of ligands in the reference. If ligands were
provided explicitly with --reference-ligands, elements of the list will be
the paths to the ligand SDF file(s). Otherwise, they will be the chain name,
residue number and insertion code of the ligand, separated by a dot.
* "status": SUCCESS if everything ran through. In case of failure, the only
content of the JSON output will be "status" set to FAILURE and an
additional key: "traceback".
Each score is opt-in and, be enabled with optional arguments and is added
to the output. Keys correspond to the values in "model_ligands" above.
Unassigned ligands are reported with a message in
"unassigned_model_ligands" and "unassigned_reference_ligands".
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m MODEL, --mdl MODEL, --model MODEL
Path to model file.
-ml [MODEL_LIGANDS ...], --mdl-ligands [MODEL_LIGANDS ...],
--model-ligands [MODEL_LIGANDS ...]
Path to model ligand files.
Path to reference file.
-rl [REFERENCE_LIGANDS ...], --ref-ligands [REFERENCE_LIGANDS ...],
--reference-ligands [REFERENCE_LIGANDS ...]
Path to reference ligand files.
-o OUTPUT, --out OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output file name. The output will be saved as a JSON
file. default: out.json
-mf {pdb,mmcif,cif}, --mdl-format {pdb,mmcif,cif},
--model-format {pdb,mmcif,cif}
Format of model file. Inferred from path if not
-rf {pdb,mmcif,cif}, --reference-format {pdb,mmcif,cif},
--ref-format {pdb,mmcif,cif}
Format of reference file. Inferred from path if not
-ft, --fault-tolerant
Fault tolerant parsing.
-rna, --residue-number-alignment
Make alignment based on residue number instead of
using a global BLOSUM62-based alignment (NUC44 for
-ec, --enforce-consistency
Enforce consistency of residue names between the
reference binding site and the model. By default
residue name discrepancies are reported but the
program proceeds. If this is set to True, the program
will fail with an error message if the residues names
differ. Note: more binding site mappings may be
explored during scoring, but only inconsistencies in
the selected mapping are reported.
-sm, --substructure-match
Allow incomplete target ligands.
-gcm, --global-chain-mapping
Use a global chain mapping.
--chain-mapping CHAIN_MAPPING [CHAIN_MAPPING ...]
Custom mapping of chains between the reference and
the model. Each separate mapping consist of key:value
pairs where key is the chain name in reference and
value is the chain name in model. Only has an effect
if global-chain-mapping flag is set.
-ra, --rmsd-assignment
Use RMSD for ligand assignment.
-u, --unassigned Report unassigned model ligands in the output
together with assigned ligands, with a null score,
and reason for not being assigned.
--lddt-pli Compute lDDT-PLI score and store as key "lddt-pli".
--rmsd Compute RMSD score and store as key "rmsd".
--radius RADIUS Inclusion radius for the binding site. Any residue
with atoms within this distance of the ligand will
be included in the binding site.
--lddt-pli-radius LDDT_PLI_RADIUS
lDDT inclusion radius for lDDT-PLI.
--lddt-lp-radius LDDT_LP_RADIUS
lDDT inclusion radius for lDDT-LP.
Set verbosity level. Defaults to 3 (INFO).
--n-max-naive N_MAX_NAIVE
If number of chains in model and reference are
below or equal that number, the global chain
mapping will naively enumerate all possible
mappings. A heuristic is used otherwise.
Additional information about the scores and output values is available in