Uses the gfx::SymmetryNode class to draw the symmetry equivalents of a small protein fragment.
By using rigid body manipulator, the relative orientation of the fragments can be adjusted.
4 filename=
7 ent=io.LoadEntity(filename)
11 m.PasteTranslation(-ent.bounds.min)
14 frag=gfx.Entity(
'frag', ent)
15 sym_ops=gfx.SymmetryOpList()
18 sym_ops.append(gfx.SymmetryOp(m,
geom.Vec3(0, 0, 10)))
20 sym=gfx.SymmetryNode(
'sym', sym_ops)
Three dimensional vector class, using Real precision.
Mat3 DLLEXPORT_OST_GEOM EulerTransformation(Real theta, Real phi, Real xi)