ProMod3’s Share Of CMake


This section describes the set of ProMod3’s own set of CMake functions (or macros) fed from the cmake_support directory. Those could be easily put into three categories of varying relevance for you:

  1. Functions used to integrate your contribution into ProMod3. Its all about adding files to the documentation, declaring unit tests and code management. Almost all of them have their home in the file PROMOD3.cmake.

  2. Then there is a set of functions needed to set up CMake itself. Those are little helpers to find tools, external packages and such. These are found in Find<DEPENDENCY>.cmake files.

  3. The last and probably least relevant category for you is also to be found in PROMOD3.cmake. There is a set of functions used to define more CMake functionality. You only need to consider those if you dare to extend this set up.

Best practices for using our home-brew CMake functions are found in the various CMakeLists.txt files in the project’s directory tree.

Functions For Module/ Action Maintenance

Module definition

Default dependencies in a module NAME:

  • _NAME depends on NAME_pymod and promod3_NAME (if that exists)

  • promod3_NAME depends on promod3_NAME_headers

module(NAME name
       SOURCES source1 source2
       HEADERS header1 header2 [IN_DIR dir]
               [header3 header4 [IN_DIR dir]]
       [DEPENDS_ON dep1 dep2]
       [HEADER_OUTPUT_DIR dir]
       [LINK link_cmds])

Define a ProMod3 module from a set of C++ files. This will define the following make targets (where NAME is the provided module name):

  • promod3_NAME: builds library libpromod3_NAME

  • promod3_NAME_headers: copies all header files

The parameters are:


Specify the name of the module.


Set of C++ source files to be compiled.


Set of C++ header files to be copied. If the headers are located in a different directory than the current one, you must group them by directory and provide the directory name dir with IN_DIR dir after listing the header files in said directory.


Add dependencies on other targets (e.g. promod3_MOD for another ProMod3 module).


Define alternative folder to which to copy header files. Default is promod3/NAME.


Add dependencies to external libraries. You may use some predefines set of libraries here, such as ${OST_LIBRARIES} and ${BOOST_LIBRARIES}.

pymod(NAME name
      CPP source1 source2
      PY source source2 [IN_DIR dir]
         [source3 source4 [IN_DIR dir]]
      [OUTPUT_DIR dir]
      [DEPENDS_ON dep1 dep2]

Define the Python interface of a ProMod3 module from a set of C++ wrappers and/or Python files. This will define the following make targets (where NAME is the provided module name):

  • _NAME: builds library _NAME for Python wrapper around C++

  • NAME_pymod: copies (and/or translates) all Python files

The parameters are:


Specify the name of the module.


Set of C++ source files to be compiled.


Set of Python source files to be copied. If the files are located in a different directory than the current one, you must group them by directory and provide the directory name dir with IN_DIR dir after listing the header files in said directory.

If a Python source file needs to be translated by CMake, provide the dictionary after putting TRANSLATE. This assumes a <FILE> for <FILE>.py. END_TRANSLATE marks the end of the translation dictionary.


Define alternative folder (within Python tree) to place python files. Default is promod3/NAME.


Add dependencies on other targets (e.g. promod3_MOD for another ProMod3 module).


Makes the module depending on the config_header target, which provides the headers in the config directory.

convert_module_data(MODULE name
                    FILE file
                    SCRIPT script
                    [ARGS args])

Use a Python script to convert a portable binary file to a non-portable one. Calls python SCRIPT in_path out_path ARGS (with access to OST and ProMod3), where in_path = portable_FILE (within path of current CMakeLists.txt) and out_path = share/promod3/MODULE_data/FILE (within the stage directory). If given, args can also be multiple arguments (must be put in “” then).

Unit Tests

promod3_unittest(MODULE name
                 SOURCES source1 [source2 ...]
                 [LINK library1/ linker flag1 [library2/ linker flag2 ...]]
                 [DATA data1 [data2 ...]]
                 [TARGET target]
                 [BASE_TARGET base_target])

Add unit tests to ProMod3. Unit tests should go in module-wise so all source files containing test code go by a single call of promod3_unittest(). Test data also needs to be registered here, since it will be copied to the build directory. That way, inside your code you do not need to set a special path to your data. Additionally, since it is out of the source tree, you may change test data as you like, without the Git repository noticing. Calling promod3_unittest() will create a set of certain make targets for you, beside feeding codetest.

The parameters are:


Specify the name of the module these tests are made for. Needs to be set, needs to be a single word. Ends up in make help as a prefix, nothing will break if it does not match the name of any existing module.


Describe a set of files hosting unit test code here. If its a wild mix of C++ and Python files does not matter, CMake will sort this out for you. But the programming language makes a difference for the make targets produced. C++ files will all be gathered in a single test_suite_<MODULE>_run target (there is also a _xml target but this is for tools for automated testing). Python code works on a ‘one target per file’ basis. So will have own target test_foo.py_run.


Add additional libraries and linker flags for C++ source files. Has no effect on Python tests.


Define test data. Instead of giving data directories its own CMakeLists.txt, those files are added here. Usually located somewhere in a dedicated data subtree, files need to be given with a path relative to this directory. That path will then be created in the build directory.


This defines an additional dependency for the unit test. That is, before running this unit test, this target will be built.


This defines an alternative base target to which to add this unit test. By default all unit tests are registered to be executed with the codetest target. This can be overridden by using this argument.


add_doc_source(NAME name
               RST rst1 [rst2...])

Add reStructuredText sources for the doc build system. This is most preferable used in doc directories for keeping the documentation sorted per module. This does not create any make targets. Lists filled here will all be evaluated in the doc/CMakeLists.txt of the repository root.

The parameters are:


Specify the name of the module this branch of documentation belongs to. Needs to be set, needs to be a single word. Using module names is best practice, while nothing will break if it does not refer to an existing one. You will find a directory in doc/source with that name in the build root.


Describe a set of files containing the documentation. Feed it a single file name or a CMake list.

add_doc_dependency(NAME name
                   DEP dependency1 [dependency2...])

Add a dependency to the doc build system. For an existing name, add some dependencies when it comes to building documentation. Mostly for internal use.

The parameters are:


Specify a name the dependencies belong to. This name needs to be already known in the doc build system. Names of Python modules are good, otherwise names introduced by add_doc_source() work well. Dependencies will be create for all reStructuredText files listed by add_doc_source() under this name and for all make targets related to the documentation.


Hand over a dependency here or a CMake list. Files work, if given with absolute path.


pm_action(ACTION action-script
          TARGET target)

Add an action to ProMod3. Actions are scripts called by the pm launcher and should all live in the actions directory as executable files. Adding an action means connecting its file with the given target to be copied to the libexec directory. No dedicated make target will be created.

The parameters are:


Name of the action to be added. Should start with pm-. Needs to be an existing file in the same directory as the invoking CMakeLists.txt.


Provide a make target to trigger copying the action’s script file. The target has to be created before any action may be attached to it.


Enter search terms or a module, class or function name.
