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1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // This file is part of the OpenStructure project <>
3 //
4 // Copyright (C) 2008-2020 by the OpenStructure authors
5 //
6 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
7 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
8 // Software Foundation; either version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option)
9 // any later version.
10 // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11 // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
12 // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
13 // details.
14 //
15 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
16 // along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
17 // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
18 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
22 /*
23  Authors: Marco Biasini, Niklaus Johner, Ansgar Philippsen
24  */
25 #include <ost/mol/module_config.hh>
26 #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
27 #include <ost/geom/geom.hh>
28 #include <ost/mol/module_config.hh>
29 #include <ost/mol/entity_view.hh>
30 #include "atom_handle.hh"
32 namespace ost { namespace mol {
39 /*
40  TODO:
41  - move algorithmic code to separate functions in mol/alg
42  - clean up mix of views and atom indices methods/functions
43  - use existing UnitCell class
44 */
47 private:
48  geom::Vec3 ucell_size_;
49  geom::Vec3 ucell_angles_;
50 public:
54  CoordFrame(size_t size, const geom::Vec3& value=geom::Vec3()) : base_type(size, value) {}
55  CoordFrame(base_type::iterator b, base_type::iterator e): base_type(b, e) { }
56  CoordFrame(const base_type& rhs) : base_type(rhs) { }
57  CoordFrame(const std::vector<geom::Vec3>& rhs) : base_type(rhs) { }
58  CoordFrame(const std::vector<geom::Vec3>& rhs,
59  const geom::Vec3 box_size,
60  const geom::Vec3 box_angles) : base_type(rhs) {
61  ucell_size_=box_size;
62  ucell_angles_=box_angles;
63  }
65  void SetCellSize(const geom::Vec3& s) {
66  ucell_size_=s;
67  }
70  return this->ucell_size_;
71  }
73  void SetCellAngles(const geom::Vec3& a) {
74  ucell_angles_=a;
75  }
78  return this->ucell_angles_;
79  }
83  geom::Vec3 GetAtomPos(const AtomHandle& atom) const;
84  geom::Vec3 GetAtomPos(int atom_index) const;
85  Real GetDistanceBetwAtoms(const AtomHandle& a1, const AtomHandle& a2) const;
86  Real GetDistanceBetwAtoms(int atom1_index, int atom2_index) const;
94  Real GetAngle(const AtomHandle& a1, const AtomHandle& a2, const AtomHandle& a3) const;
102  Real GetAngle(int atom1_index, int atom2_index, int atom3_index) const;
105  Real GetDihedralAngle(const AtomHandle& a1, const AtomHandle& a2, const AtomHandle& a3, const AtomHandle& a4) const;
108  Real GetDihedralAngle(int a1_index, int a2_index, int a3_index, int a4_index) const;
118  geom::Vec3 GetCenterOfMassPos(std::vector<unsigned long>& indices,
119  std::vector<Real>& masses) const;
129  Real GetDistanceBetwCenterOfMass(std::vector<unsigned long>& indices1, std::vector<Real>& masses1,
130  std::vector<unsigned long>& indices2, std::vector<Real>& masses2) const;
136  Real GetRMSD(const std::vector<geom::Vec3>& ref_pos,
137  const std::vector<unsigned long>& indices_sele) const;
145  Real GetRMSD(const mol::EntityView& reference_view,
146  const mol::EntityView& sele_view) const;
152  Real GetMinDistance(std::vector<unsigned long>& index_list1,
153  std::vector<unsigned long>& index_list2) const;
156  Real GetMinDistance(const mol::EntityView& view1, const mol::EntityView& view2) const;
163  Real GetMinDistBetwCenterOfMassAndView(std::vector<unsigned long>& indices_cm,
164  std::vector<Real>& masses_cm,
165  std::vector<unsigned long>& indices_atoms) const;
168  const mol::EntityView& view_atoms) const;
171  geom::Line3 GetODRLine(std::vector<unsigned long>& indices_ca) const;
174  geom::Plane GetODRPlane(std::vector<unsigned long>& indices_ca) const;
185  std::pair<geom::Line3, Real> FitCylinder(std::vector<unsigned long>& indices_ca) const;
188  std::pair<geom::Line3, Real> FitCylinder(const mol::EntityView& view1) const;
197  Real GetAlphaHelixContent(std::vector<unsigned long>& indices_ca,
198  std::vector<unsigned long>& indices_c,
199  std::vector<unsigned long>& indices_o,
200  std::vector<unsigned long>& indices_n) const;
204 };
206  typedef boost::shared_ptr<CoordFrame> CoordFramePtr;
207  typedef std::vector<CoordFramePtr> CoordFrameList;
209  // factory method
210  // create a frame from a Vec3List containing the positions of the atoms, optionally with unit cell
211  // TODO: why is this necessary? the ctor works fine
213  const geom::Vec3& cell_size=geom::Vec3(),
214  const geom::Vec3& cell_angles=geom::Vec3());
216  // these should really be either in the entity view interface or in mol/alg
222  DLLEXPORT_OST_MOL void GetIndices(const EntityView& sele, std::vector<unsigned long>& indices);
228  DLLEXPORT_OST_MOL void GetMasses(const EntityView& sele, std::vector<Real>& masses);
232  std::vector<unsigned long>& indices,
233  std::vector<Real>& masses);
236  DLLEXPORT_OST_MOL void GetPositions(const EntityView& sele, std::vector<geom::Vec3>& ref_pos);
239  DLLEXPORT_OST_MOL void GetCaIndices(const EntityView& segment, std::vector<unsigned long>& indices_ca);
243  std::vector<unsigned long>& indices_ca,
244  std::vector<unsigned long>& indices_c,
245  std::vector<unsigned long>& indices_o,
246  std::vector<unsigned long>& indices_n);
249 }}
251 #endif
Definition: composite3.hh:39
Three dimensional vector class, using Real precision.
Definition: vec3.hh:48
std::vector< Vec3 > base_type
Definition: vec3.hh:241
Handle to atom datatype.
Definition: atom_handle.hh:37
geom::Plane GetODRPlane(const mol::EntityView &view1) const
geom::Plane GetODRPlane(std::vector< unsigned long > &indices_ca) const
Returns the best fit line to atoms in the EntityView view1.
Real GetRMSD(const std::vector< geom::Vec3 > &ref_pos, const std::vector< unsigned long > &indices_sele) const
Real GetDistanceBetwAtoms(const AtomHandle &a1, const AtomHandle &a2) const
geom::Vec3 GetCenterOfMassPos(std::vector< unsigned long > &indices, std::vector< Real > &masses) const
Calculates the center of mass given a list of indices and provided masses.
Real GetDistanceBetwAtoms(int atom1_index, int atom2_index) const
geom::Vec3 GetAtomPos(int atom_index) const
geom::Vec3 GetCellAngles() const
Definition: coord_frame.hh:77
Real GetDistanceBetwCenterOfMass(std::vector< unsigned long > &indices1, std::vector< Real > &masses1, std::vector< unsigned long > &indices2, std::vector< Real > &masses2) const
void SetCellSize(const geom::Vec3 &s)
Definition: coord_frame.hh:65
Real GetDihedralAngle(int a1_index, int a2_index, int a3_index, int a4_index) const
Returns the Dihedral angle between the four atom indices a1,a2,a3,a4.
Real GetAlphaHelixContent(const mol::EntityView &segment) const
see above
geom::Vec3List base_type
Definition: coord_frame.hh:51
void SetCellAngles(const geom::Vec3 &a)
Definition: coord_frame.hh:73
Real GetMinDistance(const mol::EntityView &view1, const mol::EntityView &view2) const
Returns the minimal distance between the atoms of two views (view1 and view2)
CoordFrame(base_type::iterator b, base_type::iterator e)
Definition: coord_frame.hh:55
Real GetAlphaHelixContent(std::vector< unsigned long > &indices_ca, std::vector< unsigned long > &indices_c, std::vector< unsigned long > &indices_o, std::vector< unsigned long > &indices_n) const
Real GetAngle(int atom1_index, int atom2_index, int atom3_index) const
Real GetRMSD(const mol::EntityView &reference_view, const mol::EntityView &sele_view) const
CoordFrame(size_t size, const geom::Vec3 &value=geom::Vec3())
Definition: coord_frame.hh:54
geom::Line3 GetODRLine(std::vector< unsigned long > &indices_ca) const
Returns the best fit line to atoms with indices in indices_ca.
CoordFrame(const std::vector< geom::Vec3 > &rhs)
Definition: coord_frame.hh:57
Real GetAngle(const AtomHandle &a1, const AtomHandle &a2, const AtomHandle &a3) const
geom::Vec3List GetCellVectors() const
geom::Vec3 GetCellSize() const
Definition: coord_frame.hh:69
std::pair< geom::Line3, Real > FitCylinder(const mol::EntityView &view1) const
see FitCylinder(std::vector<unsigned long>&)
CoordFrame(const std::vector< geom::Vec3 > &rhs, const geom::Vec3 box_size, const geom::Vec3 box_angles)
Definition: coord_frame.hh:58
geom::Line3 GetODRLine(const mol::EntityView &view1) const
Returns the normal to the best fit plane to atoms with indices in indices_ca.
Real GetMinDistance(std::vector< unsigned long > &index_list1, std::vector< unsigned long > &index_list2) const
Returns the minimal distance between two groups of atoms.
geom::Vec3 GetAtomPos(const AtomHandle &atom) const
Real GetMinDistBetwCenterOfMassAndView(const mol::EntityView &view_cm, const mol::EntityView &view_atoms) const
Returns the minimal distance between the center of mass of two views.
Real GetDihedralAngle(const AtomHandle &a1, const AtomHandle &a2, const AtomHandle &a3, const AtomHandle &a4) const
Returns the Dihedral angle between the four atoms a1,a2,a3,a4.
CoordFrame(const base_type &rhs)
Definition: coord_frame.hh:56
geom::Vec3 GetCenterOfMassPos(const mol::EntityView &sele) const
Returns the position of the centor of mass of the atoms in the EntityView.
Real GetMinDistBetwCenterOfMassAndView(std::vector< unsigned long > &indices_cm, std::vector< Real > &masses_cm, std::vector< unsigned long > &indices_atoms) const
Real GetDistanceBetwCenterOfMass(const mol::EntityView &sele1, const mol::EntityView &sele2) const
Returns the distance between the centers of mass of the two EntityViews.
std::pair< geom::Line3, Real > FitCylinder(std::vector< unsigned long > &indices_ca) const
definition of EntityView
Definition: entity_view.hh:86
float Real
Definition: base.hh:44
DLLEXPORT_OST_MOL void GetIndices(const EntityView &sele, std::vector< unsigned long > &indices)
DLLEXPORT_OST_MOL void GetIndicesAndMasses(const EntityView &sele, std::vector< unsigned long > &indices, std::vector< Real > &masses)
conveniece for GetIndices and GetMasses in one call
DLLEXPORT_OST_MOL void GetMasses(const EntityView &sele, std::vector< Real > &masses)
DLLEXPORT_OST_MOL void GetCaCONIndices(const EntityView &segment, std::vector< unsigned long > &indices_ca, std::vector< unsigned long > &indices_c, std::vector< unsigned long > &indices_o, std::vector< unsigned long > &indices_n)
Writes the backbone indices of all residues in the EntityView into the provided list.
boost::shared_ptr< CoordFrame > CoordFramePtr
Definition: coord_frame.hh:206
DLLEXPORT_OST_MOL CoordFrame CreateCoordFrame(const geom::Vec3List &atom_pos, const geom::Vec3 &cell_size=geom::Vec3(), const geom::Vec3 &cell_angles=geom::Vec3())
DLLEXPORT_OST_MOL void GetCaIndices(const EntityView &segment, std::vector< unsigned long > &indices_ca)
Writes the indices of all atoms in the EntityView into the provided list.
std::vector< CoordFramePtr > CoordFrameList
Definition: coord_frame.hh:207
DLLEXPORT_OST_MOL void GetPositions(const EntityView &sele, std::vector< geom::Vec3 > &ref_pos)
Writes the positions of all atoms in the EntityView into the provided vec3 list.
Definition: base.dox:1