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1 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 # This file is part of the OpenStructure project <>
3 #
4 # Copyright (C) 2008-2020 by the OpenStructure authors
5 #
6 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
7 # the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
8 # Software Foundation; either version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option)
9 # any later version.
10 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
12 # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
13 # details.
14 #
15 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
16 # along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
17 # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
18 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 """
20 Wrapper for the CAD score.
22 References:
24 Olechnovic K, Kulberkyte E, Venclovas C., CAD-score: A new contact area
25 difference-based function for evaluation of protein structural models
26 Proteins. 2012 Aug 30. [Epub ahead of print]
28 Authors: Valerio Mariani, Alessandro Barbato
29 """
31 import subprocess, os, tempfile, platform, re
32 from ost import settings, io, mol
34 def _SetupFiles(model, reference, chain_mapping):
36  if chain_mapping is not None:
37  model_handle = model
38  if isinstance(model_handle, mol.EntityView):
39  model_handle = mol.CreateEntityFromView(model_handle, False)
40  mapped_model = mol.CreateEntity()
41  ed = mapped_model.EditXCS()
42  for k,v in chain_mapping.items():
43  if v is not None:
44  ed.InsertChain(v, model_handle.FindChain(k), deep=True)
45  model = mapped_model
47  # create temporary directory
48  tmp_dir_name=tempfile.mkdtemp()
49  dia = 'PDB'
50  for chain in model.chains:
51  if" ":
52  raise RuntimeError("One of the chains in the model has no name. Cannot "
53  "calculate CAD score")
54  if len( > 1:
55  dia = 'CHARMM'
56  break;
57  for res in chain.residues:
58  if len( > 3:
59  dia = 'CHARMM'
60  break;
61  io.SavePDB(model, os.path.join(tmp_dir_name, 'model.pdb'), dialect=dia)
62  dia = 'PDB'
63  for chain in reference.chains:
64  if" ":
65  raise RuntimeError("One of the chains in the reference has no name. "
66  "Cannot calculate CAD score")
67  if len( > 1:
68  dia = 'CHARMM'
69  break;
70  for res in chain.residues:
71  if len( > 3:
72  dia = 'CHARMM'
73  break;
74  io.SavePDB(reference, os.path.join(tmp_dir_name, 'reference.pdb'),dialect=dia)
76  return tmp_dir_name
78 def _CleanupFiles(dir_name):
79  import shutil
80  shutil.rmtree(dir_name)
82 class CADResult:
83  """
84  Holds the result of running CAD
86  .. attribute:: globalAA
88  The global CAD's atom-atom (AA) score
90  .. attribute:: localAA
92  Dictionary containing local CAD's atom-atom (AA) scores.
94  :type: dictionary (key: tuple(chain, resnum) (e.g.:
95  ("A", ost.mol.ResNum(24)), value: CAD local AA score
96  (see CAD Documentation online)
97  """
98  def __init__(self, globalAA, localAA):
99  self.globalAAglobalAA=globalAA
100  self.localAAlocalAA=localAA
102 def _ParseCADGlobal(lines):
103  header = lines[0].split()
104  aa_idx = header.index("AA")
105  aa_score=float(lines[1].split()[aa_idx])
106  return aa_score
108 def _ParseCADLocal(lines):
109  local_scores_idx = None
110  for line_idx in range(len(lines)):
111  if "local_scores" in lines[line_idx]:
112  local_scores_idx = line_idx
113  break
114  if local_scores_idx == None:
115  raise RuntimeError("Failed to parse local cadscores")
116  local_aa_dict={}
117  for line_idx in range(local_scores_idx+2, len(lines)):
118  items=lines[line_idx].split()
119  local_aa = float(items[2])
120  if local_aa < 0.0:
121  continue # invalid CAD score
122  key = (items[0], mol.ResNum(int(items[1])))
123  local_aa_dict[key] = local_aa
125  return local_aa_dict
127 def _ParseVoronotaGlobal(lines):
128  return float(lines[0].split()[4])
130 def _ParseVoronotaLocal(lines):
131  local_aa_dict={}
132  chain_name_regex = r'c<.+?>'
133  resnum_regex = r'r<\d+>'
134  insertion_code_regex = r'i<\D>'
135  for line in lines:
136  local_aa = float(line.split()[-1])
137  if local_aa < 0.0:
138  continue # invalid CAD score
139  chain_data = re.findall(chain_name_regex, line)
140  resnum_data = re.findall(resnum_regex, line)
141  insertion_code_data = re.findall(insertion_code_regex, line)
142  resnum = None
143  if len(insertion_code_data) == 0:
144  resnum = mol.ResNum(int(resnum_data[0][1:].strip('><')))
145  else:
146  resnum = mol.ResNum(int(resnum_data[0][1:].strip('><')),
147  insertion_code_data[0][1:].strip('><'))
148  key = (chain_data[0][1:].strip('><'), resnum)
149  local_aa_dict[key] = local_aa
150  return local_aa_dict
152 def _RunCAD(tmp_dir, mode, cad_bin_path, old_regime):
154  model_filename=os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'model.pdb')
155  reference_filename=os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'reference.pdb')
156  globalAA = None
157  localAA = None
159  if platform.system() == "Windows":
160  raise RuntimeError('CAD score not available on Windows')
162  if mode == "classic":
163  cad_calc_path = None
164  cad_read_g_path = None
165  cad_read_l_path = None
166  if cad_bin_path:
167  cad_calc_path = settings.Locate('CADscore_calc.bash',
168  search_paths=[cad_bin_path],
169  search_system_paths=False)
170  cad_read_g_path = settings.Locate('CADscore_read_global_scores.bash',
171  search_paths=[cad_bin_path],
172  search_system_paths=False)
173  cad_read_l_path=settings.Locate('CADscore_read_local_scores.bash',
174  search_paths=[cad_bin_path],
175  search_system_paths=False)
176  # also try to locate the actual executable that is called from the
177  # bash scripts
178  executable_path = settings.Locate('voroprot2',
179  search_paths=[cad_bin_path],
180  search_system_paths=False)
181  else:
182  cad_calc_path = settings.Locate('CADscore_calc.bash')
183  cad_read_g_path = settings.Locate('CADscore_read_global_scores.bash')
184  cad_read_l_path = settings.Locate('CADscore_read_local_scores.bash')
185  # also try to locate the actual executable that is called from the
186  # bash scripts
187  executable_path = settings.Locate('voroprot2')
188  command1="\"%s\" -m \"%s\" -t \"%s\" -D \"%s\"" %(cad_calc_path,
189  model_filename,
190  reference_filename,
191  os.path.join(tmp_dir,
192  "cadtemp"))
193  command2="\"%s\" -D \"%s\"" %(cad_read_g_path, os.path.join(tmp_dir,
194  "cadtemp"))
195  command3="\"%s\" -m \"%s\" -t \"%s\" -D \"%s\" -c AA" %(cad_read_l_path,
196  model_filename,
197  reference_filename,
198  os.path.join(tmp_dir,
199  "cadtemp"))
201  ps1=subprocess.Popen(command1, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
202  ps1.communicate()
203  ps2=subprocess.Popen(command2, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
204  stdout,_ = ps2.communicate()
205  lines=stdout.decode().splitlines()
206  try:
207  globalAA=_ParseCADGlobal(lines)
208  except:
209  raise RuntimeError("CAD calculation failed")
210  ps3=subprocess.Popen(command3, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
211  stdout,_ = ps3.communicate()
212  lines=stdout.decode().splitlines()
213  try:
214  localAA=_ParseCADLocal(lines)
215  except:
216  raise RuntimeError("CAD calculation failed")
218  elif mode == "voronota":
219  local_score_filename = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "local_scores.txt")
220  voronota_cadscore_path = None
221  if cad_bin_path:
222  voronota_cadscore_path = settings.Locate("voronota-cadscore",
223  search_paths=[cad_bin_path],
224  search_system_paths=False)
225  # also try to locate the actual executable that is called from the
226  # bash script
227  executable_path = settings.Locate("voronota",
228  search_paths=[cad_bin_path],
229  search_system_paths=False)
230  else:
231  voronota_cadscore_path = settings.Locate("voronota-cadscore")
232  # also try to locate the actual executable that is called from the
233  # bash script
234  executable_path = settings.Locate("voronota")
235  cmd = [voronota_cadscore_path, '-m', model_filename, '-t',
236  reference_filename, '--contacts-query-by-code AA',
237  '--output-residue-scores', local_score_filename]
238  if old_regime:
239  cmd.append("--old-regime")
240  cmd = ' '.join(cmd)
241  ps = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
242  stdout, _ = ps.communicate()
243  try:
244  globalAA = _ParseVoronotaGlobal(stdout.decode().splitlines())
245  except:
246  raise RuntimeError("CAD calculation failed")
247  try:
248  with open(local_score_filename) as f:
249  localAA = _ParseVoronotaLocal(f.readlines())
250  except:
251  raise RuntimeError("CAD calculation failed")
253  else:
254  raise RuntimeError("Invalid CAD mode! Allowed are: "
255  "[\"classic\", \"voronota\"]")
257  return CADResult(globalAA,localAA)
259 def _HasInsertionCodes(model, reference):
260  for r in model.residues:
261  if r.GetNumber().GetInsCode() != "\0":
262  return True
263  for r in reference.residues:
264  if r.GetNumber().GetInsCode() != "\0":
265  return True
266  return False
268 def _MapLabels(model, cad_results, label, chain_mapping):
270  if chain_mapping is None:
271  for k,v in cad_results.localAA.items():
272  r = model.FindResidue(k[0], k[1])
273  if r.IsValid():
274  r.SetFloatProp(label, v)
275  else:
276  # chain_mapping has mdl chains as key and target chains as values
277  # the raw CAD results refer to the target chains => reverse mapping
278  rev_mapping = {v:k for k,v in chain_mapping.items()}
279  for k,v in cad_results.localAA.items():
280  cname = k[0]
281  rnum = k[1]
282  if cname in rev_mapping:
283  r = model.FindResidue(rev_mapping[cname], rnum)
284  if r.IsValid():
285  r.SetFloatProp(label, v)
287 def CADScore(model, reference, mode = "voronota", label = "localcad",
288  old_regime = False, cad_bin_path = None, chain_mapping=None):
289  """
290  Calculates global and local atom-atom (AA) CAD Scores.
292  You can either access the original implementation available from
294  or the new implementation which is part of the Voronota package
295  available from
297  The scores of the two implementations differ but strongly correlate
298  as the contacts between atoms are estimated differently. When using
299  the "voronota" *mode* you can minimize those discrepancies by
300  setting the *old_regime* flag to True.
302  Furthermore, the "voronota" *mode* generates per-residue scores that
303  are inverted when compared to the classical implementation
304  (0.0: bad, 1.0 good).
306  :param model: The model structure.
307  :type model: :class:`~ost.mol.EntityView` or :class:`~ost.mol.EntityHandle`
308  :param reference: The reference structure
309  :type reference: :class:`~ost.mol.EntityView` or
310  :class:`~ost.mol.EntityHandle`
311  :param mode: What CAD score implementation to use, must be one in
312  ["classic", "voronota"]
313  :param label: Local CAD scores will be mapped on residues of model as
314  float property with this name
315  :type label: :class:`str`
316  :param old_regime: Only has an effect if *mode* is "voronota". If set to true,
317  the discrepancies between the two modes is minimized but
318  the behaviour of inverted scores persists.
319  :type old_regime: :class:`bool`
320  :param cad_bin_path: Path to search for the required executables
321  (["CADscore_calc.bash",
322  "CADscore_read_global_scores.bash",
323  "CADscore_read_local_scores.bash"] for "classic" *mode*
324  or ["voronota-cadscore"] for "voronota" *mode*). If not
325  set, the env path is searched.
326  :type cad_bin_path: :class:`str`
327  :param chain_mapping: Provide custom chain mapping in case of oligomers
328  (only supported for "voronota" *mode*). Provided as
329  :class:`dict` with model chain name as key and target
330  chain name as value. If set, scoring happens on a
331  substructure of model that is stripped to chains with
332  valid mapping.
333  :type chain_mapping: :class:`dict`
334  :returns: The result of the CAD score calculation
335  :rtype: :class:`CADResult`
337  :raises: :class:`~ost.settings.FileNotFound` if any of the CAD score
338  executables could not be located.
339  :raises: :class:`RuntimeError` if the calculation failed
340  """
341  if mode == "classic" and _HasInsertionCodes(model, reference):
342  raise RuntimeError("The classic CAD score implementation does not support "
343  "insertion codes in residues")
345  if chain_mapping is not None:
346  if model == "classic":
347  raise RuntimeError("The classic CAD score implementation does not "
348  "support custom chain mappings")
350  # do consistency checks of custom chain mapping
351  mdl_cnames = [ch.GetName() for ch in model.chains]
352  ref_cnames = [ch.GetName() for ch in reference.chains]
354  # check that each model chain name in the mapping is actually there
355  for cname in chain_mapping.keys():
356  if cname not in mdl_cnames:
357  raise RuntimeError(f"Model chain name \"{cname}\" provided in "
358  f"custom chain mapping is not present in provided "
359  f"model structure.")
361  # check that each target chain name in the mapping is actually there
362  for cname in chain_mapping.values():
363  if cname not in ref_cnames:
364  raise RuntimeError(f"Reference chain name \"{cname}\" provided in "
365  f"custom chain mapping is not present in provided "
366  f"reference structure.")
368  tmp_dir_name=_SetupFiles(model, reference, chain_mapping)
369  result=_RunCAD(tmp_dir_name, mode, cad_bin_path, old_regime)
370  _CleanupFiles(tmp_dir_name)
371  _MapLabels(model, result, label, chain_mapping)
372  return result
def __init__(self, globalAA, localAA)
definition of EntityView
Definition: entity_view.hh:86
def CADScore(model, reference, mode="voronota", label="localcad", old_regime=False, cad_bin_path=None, chain_mapping=None)