Namespaces | Data Structures | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
ost::io Namespace Reference



Data Structures

class  BinaryDataSink
class  BinaryDataSource
class  ChemdictParser
class  ClustalIOHandler
class  Convert
class  BinaryOStream
class  BinaryIStream
class  CRDReader
class  CRDWriter
class  EntityIOCRDHandler
class  EntityIOHandler
class  EntityIOHandlerFactoryBase
class  EntityIOHandlerFactory
class  MAEReader
class  EntityIOMAEHandler
class  EntityIOMMCIFHandler
class  EntityIOPDBHandler
class  PQRReader
class  PQRWriter
class  EntityIOPQRHandler
class  EntityIOSDFHandler
class  FastaIOHandler
class  LineSlice
class  FormattedLine
class  HhmIOHandler
class  ImageFormatBase
class  UndefinedImageFormat
class  DAT
class  MapIODatHandler
class  DF3
class  DF3MapIOHandler
class  DM3
class  MapIODm3Handler
class  DX
class  MapIODxHandler
class  MapIOHandler
class  MapIOHandlerFactoryBase
class  MapIOHandlerFactory
class  IPL
class  MapIOIPLHandler
class  JPK
class  MapIOJpkHandler
class  MRC
class  CCP4
class  MapIOMrcHandler
class  Nanoscope
class  MapIONanoscopeHandler
class  PNG
class  MapIOPngHandler
class  Situs
class  MapIOSitusHandler
class  Spider
class  MapIOSpiHandler
class  TIF
class  MapIOTiffHandler
class  IOException
class  IOUnknownFormatException
class  IOFileAlreadyLoadedException
class  IOManager
struct  IOProfile
class  IOProfileRegistry
class  MMCifInfoStructDetails
class  MMCifInfoTransOp
class  MMCifInfoBioUnit
class  MMCifInfoCitation
class  MMCifInfoObsolete
class  MMCifInfoRevisions
class  MMCifInfoStructRef
class  MMCifInfoStructRefSeq
class  MMCifInfoStructRefSeqDif
struct  MMCifInfoEntityBranchLink
struct  MMCifEntityDesc
class  MMCifInfo
class  MMCifReader
struct  ChainNameGenerator
struct  MMCifWriterEntity
class  MMCifWriter
struct  SidechainAtomRule
struct  ChiDefinition
struct  ResidueDefinition
struct  ChainData
class  DefaultPepLib
class  OMF
class  PDBReader
class  PDBWriter
class  SDFReader
class  SDFWriter
class  StarDataItem
class  StarLoopDesc
class  StarParser
class  StarWriterObject
class  StarWriterValue
class  StarWriterDataItem
class  StarWriterLoopDesc
class  StarWriterLoop
class  StarWriter
class  SurfaceIOHandler
class  SurfaceIOHandlerFactoryBase
class  SurfaceIOHandlerFactory
class  SurfaceIOMSMSHandler
class  PirIOHandler
class  ProfileIOHandler
class  ProfileIOHandlerFactoryBase
class  ProfileIOHandlerFactory
class  PromodIOHandler
class  PssmIOHandler
class  SequenceIOHandler
class  SequenceIOHandlerFactoryBase
class  SequenceIOHandlerFactory
class  IOProfiles


typedef SequenceIOHandlerFactory< ClustalIOHandlerClustalIOHandlerFactory
typedef EntityIOHandlerFactory< EntityIOCRDHandlerEntityIOCRDHandlerFactory
typedef boost::shared_ptr< EntityIOHandlerEntityIOHandlerP
typedef boost::shared_ptr< EntityIOHandlerFactoryBaseEntityIOHandlerFactoryBaseP
typedef EntityIOHandlerFactory< EntityIOMAEHandlerEntityIOMAEHandlerFactory
typedef EntityIOHandlerFactory< EntityIOMMCIFHandlerEntityIOMMCIFHandlerFactory
typedef EntityIOHandlerFactory< EntityIOPDBHandlerEntityIOPDBHandlerFactory
typedef EntityIOHandlerFactory< EntityIOPQRHandlerEntityIOPQRHandlerFactory
typedef EntityIOHandlerFactory< EntityIOSDFHandlerEntityIOSDFHandlerFactory
typedef SequenceIOHandlerFactory< FastaIOHandlerFastaIOHandlerFactory
typedef ProfileIOHandlerFactory< HhmIOHandlerHhmIOHandlerFactory
typedef MapIOHandlerFactory< MapIODatHandlerMapIODatHandlerFactory
typedef MapIOHandlerFactory< DF3MapIOHandlerMapIODF3HandlerFactory
typedef MapIOHandlerFactory< MapIODm3HandlerMapIODm3HandlerFactory
typedef MapIOHandlerFactory< MapIODxHandlerMapIODxHandlerFactory
typedef boost::shared_ptr< MapIOHandlerMapIOHandlerPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< MapIOHandlerFactoryBaseMapIOHandlerFactoryBasePtr
typedef MapIOHandlerFactory< MapIOIPLHandlerMapIOIPLHandlerFactory
typedef MapIOHandlerFactory< MapIOJpkHandlerMapIOJpkHandlerFactory
typedef CCP4 MAP
typedef MapIOHandlerFactory< MapIOMrcHandlerMapIOMrcHandlerFactory
typedef MapIOHandlerFactory< MapIONanoscopeHandlerMapIONanoscopeHandlerFactory
typedef MapIOHandlerFactory< MapIOPngHandlerMapIOPngHandlerFactory
typedef MapIOHandlerFactory< MapIOSitusHandlerMapIOSitusHandlerFactory
typedef MapIOHandlerFactory< MapIOSpiHandlerMapIOSpiHandlerFactory
typedef MapIOHandlerFactory< MapIOTiffHandlerMapIOTiffHandlerFactory
typedef std::vector< EntityIOHandlerFactoryBasePEntityIOHFList
typedef std::vector< SequenceIOHandlerFactoryBasePtrAlignmentIOFList
typedef std::vector< ProfileIOHandlerFactoryBasePtrProfileIOFList
typedef std::vector< SurfaceIOHandlerFactoryBasePtrSurfaceIOFList
typedef std::vector< MapIOHandlerFactoryBasePtrMapIOFList
typedef boost::shared_ptr< MMCifInfoTransOpMMCifInfoTransOpPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< MMCifInfoStructRefMMCifInfoStructRefPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< MMCifInfoStructRefSeqMMCifInfoStructRefSeqPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< MMCifInfoStructRefSeqDifMMCifInfoStructRefSeqDifPtr
typedef std::vector< MMCifInfoStructRefPtrMMCifInfoStructRefs
typedef std::vector< MMCifInfoStructRefSeqPtrMMCifInfoStructRefSeqs
typedef std::vector< MMCifInfoStructRefSeqDifPtrMMCifInfoStructRefSeqDifs
typedef std::map< String, std::vector< MMCifInfoEntityBranchLink > > MMCifInfoEntityBranchLinkMap
typedef std::map< String, MMCifEntityDescMMCifEntityDescMap
typedef boost::shared_ptr< OMFOMFPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< ChainDataChainDataPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< StarWriterObjectStarWriterObjectPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< StarWriterValueStarWriterValuePtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< StarWriterDataItemStarWriterDataItemPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< StarWriterLoopDescStarWriterLoopDescPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< StarWriterLoopStarWriterLoopPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< SurfaceIOHandlerSurfaceIOHandlerPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< SurfaceIOHandlerFactoryBaseSurfaceIOHandlerFactoryBasePtr
typedef SurfaceIOHandlerFactory< SurfaceIOMSMSHandlerSurfaceIOMSMSHandlerFactory
typedef SequenceIOHandlerFactory< PirIOHandlerPirIOHandlerFactory
typedef boost::shared_ptr< ProfileIOHandlerProfileIOHandlerPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< ProfileIOHandlerFactoryBaseProfileIOHandlerFactoryBasePtr
typedef SequenceIOHandlerFactory< PromodIOHandlerPromodIOHandlerFactory
typedef ProfileIOHandlerFactory< PssmIOHandlerPssmIOHandlerFactory
typedef boost::shared_ptr< SequenceIOHandlerSequenceIOHandlerPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< SequenceIOHandlerFactoryBaseSequenceIOHandlerFactoryBasePtr


enum  LoopType {
enum  Format {
enum  Subformat {
enum  Format {
enum  Subformat {
enum  LoopType {


template<typename T >
void Serialize (BinaryDataSink &sink, const T &value)
void RawSerialize (BinaryDataSink &sink, char *value, size_t size)
void Serialize (BinaryDataSink &sink, const String &str)
template<typename T >
void Serialize (BinaryDataSource &source, T &value)
void RawSerialize (BinaryDataSource &sink, char *value, size_t size)
void Serialize (BinaryDataSource &source, String &str)
template<typename T >
void Serialize (BinaryDataSink &sink, const std::vector< T > &value)
template<typename T >
void Serialize (BinaryDataSource &source, std::vector< T > &value)
template<typename K , typename V >
void Serialize (BinaryDataSink &sink, const std::map< K, V > &value)
template<typename K , typename V >
void Serialize (BinaryDataSource &source, std::map< K, V > &value)
mol::CoordGroupHandle DLLEXPORT_OST_IO LoadCHARMMTraj (const mol::EntityHandle &ent, const String &trj_filename, unsigned int stride=1, bool lazy_load=false, bool detect_swap=true, bool byte_swap=false)
void DLLEXPORT_OST_IO SaveCHARMMTraj (const mol::CoordGroupHandle &coord_group, const String &pdb_filename, const String &dcd_filename, unsigned int stride=1, const IOProfile &profile=IOProfile())
mol::EntityHandle DLLEXPORT_OST_IO LoadCRD (const String &file_name)
mol::EntityHandle DLLEXPORT_OST_IO LoadMAE (const String &file_name)
mol::EntityHandle DLLEXPORT_OST_IO LoadPQR (const String &file_name)
mol::EntityHandle DLLEXPORT_OST_IO LoadSDF (const String &file_name)
void DLLEXPORT_OST_IO SaveSDF (const mol::EntityHandle &ent, const String &file_name)
void DLLEXPORT_OST_IO SaveSDF (const mol::EntityView &ent, const String &file_name)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const FormattedLine &line)
DLLEXPORT_OST_IO img::ImageHandle LoadImage (const boost::filesystem::path &loc)
DLLEXPORT_OST_IO img::ImageHandle LoadImage (const boost::filesystem::path &loc, const ImageFormatBase &formatstruct)
DLLEXPORT_OST_IO void SaveImage (const img::ImageHandle &image, const boost::filesystem::path &loc)
DLLEXPORT_OST_IO void SaveImage (const img::ImageHandle &image, const boost::filesystem::path &loc, const ImageFormatBase &formatstruct)
DLLEXPORT_OST_IO img::MapHandle LoadMap (const boost::filesystem::path &loc)
DLLEXPORT_OST_IO img::MapHandle LoadMap (const boost::filesystem::path &loc, const ImageFormatBase &formatstruct)
DLLEXPORT_OST_IO void SaveMap (const img::ImageHandle &image, const boost::filesystem::path &loc)
DLLEXPORT_OST_IO void SaveMap (const img::ImageHandle &image, const boost::filesystem::path &loc, const ImageFormatBase &formatstruct)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const IOProfile &p)
seq::AlignmentHandle DLLEXPORT_OST_IO LoadAlignment (const String &file_name, const String &format="auto")
seq::AlignmentHandle DLLEXPORT_OST_IO AlignmentFromStream (std::istream &stream, const String &format)
seq::AlignmentHandle DLLEXPORT_OST_IO AlignmentFromString (const String &data, const String &format)
seq::SequenceList DLLEXPORT_OST_IO LoadSequenceList (const String &file_name, const String &format="auto")
seq::SequenceList DLLEXPORT_OST_IO SequenceListFromStream (std::istream &stream, const String &format)
seq::SequenceList DLLEXPORT_OST_IO SequenceListFromString (const String &data, const String &format)
seq::SequenceHandle DLLEXPORT_OST_IO LoadSequence (const String &file_name, const String &format="auto")
seq::SequenceHandle DLLEXPORT_OST_IO SequenceFromStream (std::istream &stream, const String &format)
seq::SequenceHandle DLLEXPORT_OST_IO SequenceFromString (const String &data, const String &format)
seq::ProfileHandlePtr DLLEXPORT_OST_IO LoadSequenceProfile (const String &file_name, const String &format="auto")
seq::ProfileHandlePtr DLLEXPORT_OST_IO SequenceProfileFromString (const String &data, const String &format)
DLLEXPORT_OST_IO mol::EntityHandle LoadEntity (const String &filename, const String &format="auto")
DLLEXPORT_OST_IO mol::SurfaceHandle LoadSurface (const String &filename, const String &type="auto")
DLLEXPORT_OST_IO mol::SurfaceHandle LoadManagedSurface (const String &name, const String &filename, const String &type="auto")
DLLEXPORT_OST_IO std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const MMCifInfoEntityBranchLink &eb)
DLLEXPORT_OST_IO std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const std::vector< MMCifInfoEntityBranchLink > &eb_list)
DLLEXPORT_OST_IO unsigned char MMCifValueOrderToOSTBondOrder (const StringRef value_order)
DLLEXPORT_OST_IO String OSTBondOrderToMMCifValueOrder (const unsigned char bond_order)
String DLLEXPORT_OST_IO EntityToMMCifString (const ost::mol::EntityHandle &ent, const String &data_name, ost::conop::CompoundLibPtr compound_lib, bool mmcif_conform, const std::vector< MMCifWriterEntity > &entity_info=std::vector< MMCifWriterEntity >())
String DLLEXPORT_OST_IO EntityToMMCifString (const ost::mol::EntityView &ent, const String &data_name, ost::conop::CompoundLibPtr compound_lib, bool mmcif_conform, const std::vector< MMCifWriterEntity > &entity_info=std::vector< MMCifWriterEntity >())
String DLLEXPORT_OST_IO OMFToMMCifString (const ost::io::OMF &omf, const String &data_name, ost::conop::CompoundLibPtr compound_lib, bool mmcif_conform, const std::vector< MMCifWriterEntity > &entity_info=std::vector< MMCifWriterEntity >())
std::tuple< mol::EntityHandle, MMCifInfo, ost::seq::SequenceList > DLLEXPORT_OST_IO MMCifStringToEntity (const String &mmcif, const IOProfile &profile, bool process)
String DLLEXPORT_OST_IO EntityToPDBString (const mol::EntityHandle &ent, const IOProfile &profile=IOProfile())
String DLLEXPORT_OST_IO EntityToPDBString (const mol::EntityView &ent, const IOProfile &profile=IOProfile())
mol::EntityHandle DLLEXPORT_OST_IO PDBStringToEntity (const String &pdb, const IOProfile &profile=IOProfile(), bool process=false)
void DLLEXPORT_OST_IO SaveEntity (const mol::EntityHandle &en, const String &filename, const String &format="auto")
void DLLEXPORT_OST_IO SaveEntity (const mol::EntityView &en, const String &filename, const String &format="auto")
String DLLEXPORT_OST_IO EntityToSDFString (const mol::EntityHandle &ent)
String DLLEXPORT_OST_IO EntityToSDFString (const mol::EntityView &ent)
mol::EntityHandle DLLEXPORT_OST_IO SDFStringToEntity (const String &pdb, const IOProfile &profile)
ost::mol::alg::StereoChemicalProps ReadStereoChemicalPropsFile (String filename, bool check=false)
ost::mol::alg::StereoChemicalProps ReadStereoChemicalPropsFile (bool check=false)
String GetStereoChemicalPropsFile ()
void DLLEXPORT_OST_IO SaveSequenceList (const seq::ConstSequenceList &seq_list, const String &filename, const String &format="auto")
String DLLEXPORT_OST_IO SequenceListToString (const seq::ConstSequenceList &seq_list, const String &format)
void DLLEXPORT_OST_IO SaveSequence (const seq::ConstSequenceHandle &sequence, const String &filename, const String &format="auto")
String DLLEXPORT_OST_IO SequenceToString (const seq::ConstSequenceHandle &sequence, const String &format="auto")
void DLLEXPORT_OST_IO SaveAlignment (const seq::AlignmentHandle &msa, const String &filename, const String &format="auto")
String DLLEXPORT_OST_IO AlignmentToString (const seq::AlignmentHandle &msa, const String &format)
template<typename T >
void swap_buf (T *p, int n)
void swap_short (short int *p, short int n)
void swap_ushort (unsigned short int *p, short int n)
void swap_int (int *p, int n)
void swap_uint (uint *p, int n)
void swap_float (float *p, int n)
void swap_double (double *p, int n)
void swap_long (long *p, int n)
def LoadPDB (filename, restrict_chains="", no_hetatms=None, fault_tolerant=None, load_multi=False, join_spread_atom_records=None, calpha_only=None, profile='DEFAULT', remote=False, remote_repo='pdb', dialect=None, seqres=False, bond_feasibility_check=None, read_conect=False)
def SavePDB (models, filename, dialect=None, pqr=False, profile='DEFAULT')
def LoadImageList (files)
def LoadCHARMMTraj (crd, dcd_file=None, profile='CHARMM', lazy_load=False, stride=1, dialect=None, detect_swap=True, swap_bytes=False)
def LoadMMCIF (filename, fault_tolerant=None, calpha_only=None, profile='DEFAULT', remote=False, seqres=False, info=False)
def SaveMMCIF (ent, filename, compound_lib=conop.GetDefaultLib(), data_name="OST_structure", mmcif_conform=True, entity_info=MMCifWriterEntityList())
def LoadSDF (filename, fault_tolerant=None, profile='DEFAULT')


const int OMF_VERSION = 3
 profiles = IOProfiles()

Typedef Documentation

◆ AlignmentIOFList

Definition at line 38 of file io_manager.hh.

◆ ChainDataPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr< ChainData > ChainDataPtr

Definition at line 38 of file omf.hh.

◆ ClustalIOHandlerFactory

Definition at line 52 of file clustal_io_handler.hh.

◆ EntityIOCRDHandlerFactory

Definition at line 109 of file entity_io_crd_handler.hh.

◆ EntityIOHandlerFactoryBaseP

Definition at line 77 of file entity_io_handler.hh.

◆ EntityIOHandlerP

typedef boost::shared_ptr< EntityIOHandler > EntityIOHandlerP

Definition at line 63 of file entity_io_handler.hh.

◆ EntityIOHFList

Definition at line 37 of file io_manager.hh.

◆ EntityIOMAEHandlerFactory

Definition at line 83 of file entity_io_mae_handler.hh.

◆ EntityIOMMCIFHandlerFactory

Definition at line 54 of file entity_io_mmcif_handler.hh.

◆ EntityIOPDBHandlerFactory

Definition at line 55 of file entity_io_pdb_handler.hh.

◆ EntityIOPQRHandlerFactory

Definition at line 109 of file entity_io_pqr_handler.hh.

◆ EntityIOSDFHandlerFactory

Definition at line 49 of file entity_io_sdf_handler.hh.

◆ FastaIOHandlerFactory

Definition at line 53 of file fasta_io_handler.hh.

◆ HhmIOHandlerFactory

Definition at line 52 of file hhm_io_handler.hh.


typedef CCP4 MAP

Definition at line 61 of file map_io_mrc_handler.hh.

◆ MapIODatHandlerFactory

Definition at line 80 of file map_io_dat_handler.hh.

◆ MapIODF3HandlerFactory

Definition at line 71 of file map_io_df3_handler.hh.

◆ MapIODm3HandlerFactory

Definition at line 59 of file map_io_dm3_handler.hh.

◆ MapIODxHandlerFactory

Definition at line 74 of file map_io_dx_handler.hh.

◆ MapIOFList

typedef std::vector<MapIOHandlerFactoryBasePtr> MapIOFList

Definition at line 41 of file io_manager.hh.

◆ MapIOHandlerFactoryBasePtr

Definition at line 57 of file map_io_handler.hh.

◆ MapIOHandlerPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr< MapIOHandler > MapIOHandlerPtr

Definition at line 42 of file map_io_handler.hh.

◆ MapIOIPLHandlerFactory

Definition at line 74 of file map_io_ipl_handler.hh.

◆ MapIOJpkHandlerFactory

Definition at line 57 of file map_io_jpk_handler.hh.

◆ MapIOMrcHandlerFactory

Definition at line 94 of file map_io_mrc_handler.hh.

◆ MapIONanoscopeHandlerFactory

Definition at line 67 of file map_io_nanoscope_handler.hh.

◆ MapIOPngHandlerFactory

Definition at line 65 of file map_io_png_handler.hh.

◆ MapIOSitusHandlerFactory

Definition at line 64 of file map_io_situs_handler.hh.

◆ MapIOSpiHandlerFactory

Definition at line 77 of file map_io_spi_handler.hh.

◆ MapIOTiffHandlerFactory

Definition at line 120 of file map_io_tiff_handler.hh.

◆ MMCifEntityDescMap

Definition at line 967 of file mmcif_info.hh.

◆ MMCifInfoEntityBranchLinkMap

typedef std::map< String, std::vector< MMCifInfoEntityBranchLink > > MMCifInfoEntityBranchLinkMap

Definition at line 951 of file mmcif_info.hh.

◆ MMCifInfoStructRefPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr< MMCifInfoStructRef > MMCifInfoStructRefPtr

Definition at line 839 of file mmcif_info.hh.

◆ MMCifInfoStructRefs

Definition at line 843 of file mmcif_info.hh.

◆ MMCifInfoStructRefSeqDifPtr

Definition at line 841 of file mmcif_info.hh.

◆ MMCifInfoStructRefSeqDifs

Definition at line 845 of file mmcif_info.hh.

◆ MMCifInfoStructRefSeqPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr< MMCifInfoStructRefSeq > MMCifInfoStructRefSeqPtr

Definition at line 840 of file mmcif_info.hh.

◆ MMCifInfoStructRefSeqs

Definition at line 844 of file mmcif_info.hh.

◆ MMCifInfoTransOpPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr< MMCifInfoTransOp > MMCifInfoTransOpPtr

Definition at line 248 of file mmcif_info.hh.

◆ OMFPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr< OMF > OMFPtr

Definition at line 37 of file omf.hh.

◆ PirIOHandlerFactory

Definition at line 53 of file pir_io_handler.hh.

◆ ProfileIOFList

Definition at line 39 of file io_manager.hh.

◆ ProfileIOHandlerFactoryBasePtr

Definition at line 66 of file profile_io_handler.hh.

◆ ProfileIOHandlerPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr< ProfileIOHandler > ProfileIOHandlerPtr

Definition at line 51 of file profile_io_handler.hh.

◆ PromodIOHandlerFactory

Definition at line 53 of file promod_io_handler.hh.

◆ PssmIOHandlerFactory

Definition at line 54 of file pssm_io_handler.hh.

◆ SequenceIOHandlerFactoryBasePtr

Definition at line 67 of file sequence_io_handler.hh.

◆ SequenceIOHandlerPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr< SequenceIOHandler > SequenceIOHandlerPtr

Definition at line 51 of file sequence_io_handler.hh.

◆ StarWriterDataItemPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr< StarWriterDataItem > StarWriterDataItemPtr

Definition at line 77 of file star_writer.hh.

◆ StarWriterLoopDescPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr< StarWriterLoopDesc > StarWriterLoopDescPtr

Definition at line 78 of file star_writer.hh.

◆ StarWriterLoopPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr< StarWriterLoop > StarWriterLoopPtr

Definition at line 79 of file star_writer.hh.

◆ StarWriterObjectPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr< StarWriterObject > StarWriterObjectPtr

Definition at line 75 of file star_writer.hh.

◆ StarWriterValuePtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr< StarWriterValue > StarWriterValuePtr

Definition at line 76 of file star_writer.hh.

◆ SurfaceIOFList

Definition at line 40 of file io_manager.hh.

◆ SurfaceIOHandlerFactoryBasePtr

Definition at line 48 of file surface_io_handler.hh.

◆ SurfaceIOHandlerPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr< SurfaceIOHandler > SurfaceIOHandlerPtr

Definition at line 36 of file surface_io_handler.hh.

◆ SurfaceIOMSMSHandlerFactory

Definition at line 41 of file surface_io_msms_handler.hh.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ Endianess

enum Endianess

Definition at line 44 of file convert.hh.

◆ Format [1/2]

enum Format

Definition at line 68 of file image_format.hh.

◆ Format [2/2]

enum Format

Definition at line 68 of file image_format.hh.

◆ LoopType [1/2]

enum LoopType

Definition at line 34 of file chemdict_parser.hh.

◆ LoopType [2/2]

enum LoopType

Definition at line 34 of file chemdict_parser.hh.

◆ StarDiagType [1/2]


Definition at line 38 of file star_parser.hh.

◆ StarDiagType [2/2]


Definition at line 38 of file star_parser.hh.

◆ Subformat [1/2]

enum Subformat

Definition at line 73 of file image_format.hh.

◆ Subformat [2/2]

enum Subformat

Definition at line 73 of file image_format.hh.

Function Documentation

◆ AlignmentFromStream()

seq::AlignmentHandle DLLEXPORT_OST_IO AlignmentFromStream ( std::istream &  stream,
const String format 

◆ AlignmentFromString()

seq::AlignmentHandle DLLEXPORT_OST_IO AlignmentFromString ( const String data,
const String format 

◆ AlignmentToString()

String DLLEXPORT_OST_IO AlignmentToString ( const seq::AlignmentHandle msa,
const String format 

◆ EntityToMMCifString() [1/2]

String DLLEXPORT_OST_IO EntityToMMCifString ( const ost::mol::EntityHandle ent,
const String data_name,
ost::conop::CompoundLibPtr  compound_lib,
bool  mmcif_conform,
const std::vector< MMCifWriterEntity > &  entity_info = std::vector< MMCifWriterEntity >() 

◆ EntityToMMCifString() [2/2]

String DLLEXPORT_OST_IO EntityToMMCifString ( const ost::mol::EntityView ent,
const String data_name,
ost::conop::CompoundLibPtr  compound_lib,
bool  mmcif_conform,
const std::vector< MMCifWriterEntity > &  entity_info = std::vector< MMCifWriterEntity >() 

◆ EntityToPDBString() [1/2]

String DLLEXPORT_OST_IO EntityToPDBString ( const mol::EntityHandle ent,
const IOProfile profile = IOProfile() 

◆ EntityToPDBString() [2/2]

String DLLEXPORT_OST_IO EntityToPDBString ( const mol::EntityView ent,
const IOProfile profile = IOProfile() 

◆ EntityToSDFString() [1/2]

String DLLEXPORT_OST_IO EntityToSDFString ( const mol::EntityHandle ent)

◆ EntityToSDFString() [2/2]

String DLLEXPORT_OST_IO EntityToSDFString ( const mol::EntityView ent)

◆ GetStereoChemicalPropsFile()

String GetStereoChemicalPropsFile ( )

◆ LoadAlignment()

seq::AlignmentHandle DLLEXPORT_OST_IO LoadAlignment ( const String file_name,
const String format = "auto" 

◆ LoadCHARMMTraj() [1/2]

mol::CoordGroupHandle DLLEXPORT_OST_IO LoadCHARMMTraj ( const mol::EntityHandle ent,
const String trj_filename,
unsigned int  stride = 1,
bool  lazy_load = false,
bool  detect_swap = true,
bool  byte_swap = false 

import a CHARMM trajectory in dcd format with an existing entity requires the existing entity and the trajectory file - obviously the atom layout of the entity must match the trajectory file

◆ LoadCHARMMTraj() [2/2]

def (   crd,
  dcd_file = None,
  profile = 'CHARMM',
  lazy_load = False,
  stride = 1,
  dialect = None,
  detect_swap = True,
  swap_bytes = False 
Load CHARMM trajectory file.

:param crd: EntityHandle or filename of the (PDB) file containing the
    structure. The structure must have the same number of atoms as the 
:param dcd_file: The filename of the DCD file. If not set, and crd is a 
    string, the filename is set to the <crd>.dcd
:param layz_load: Whether the trajectory should be loaded on demand. Instead 
    of loading the complete trajectory into memory, the trajectory frames are 
    loaded from disk when requested.
:param stride: The spacing of the frames to load. When set to 2, for example, 
    every second frame is loaded from the trajectory. By default, every frame 
    is loaded.
:param dialect: The dialect for the PDB file to use. See :func:`LoadPDB`. If 
    set, overrides the value of the profile
:param profile: The IO profile to use for loading the PDB file. See 
:param detect_swap: if True (the default), then automatic detection of endianess
    is attempted, otherwise the swap_bytes parameter is used
:param swap_bytes: is detect_swap is False, this flag determines whether bytes
    are swapped upon loading or not

Definition at line 312 of file

◆ LoadCRD()

mol::EntityHandle DLLEXPORT_OST_IO LoadCRD ( const String file_name)

◆ LoadEntity()

DLLEXPORT_OST_IO mol::EntityHandle LoadEntity ( const String filename,
const String format = "auto" 

◆ LoadImage() [1/2]

DLLEXPORT_OST_IO img::ImageHandle LoadImage ( const boost::filesystem::path &  loc)

Function that loads an image from a file.

This function reads an image file from disk and transfers the data into memory The function automatically determines the file format by looking at the filename extension. In case the extension is not available, the content of the file will be examined. This analysis will be sufficient to determine the format type for many files. In case the file format cannot be determined, the function will throw an error.

◆ LoadImage() [2/2]

DLLEXPORT_OST_IO img::ImageHandle LoadImage ( const boost::filesystem::path &  loc,
const ImageFormatBase formatstruct 

Function that loads an image from a file with a specific format.

This function reads an image file from disk and transfers the data into memory The function assumes that the file has the specified format

◆ LoadImageList()

def (   files)

Definition at line 303 of file

◆ LoadMAE()

mol::EntityHandle DLLEXPORT_OST_IO LoadMAE ( const String file_name)

◆ LoadManagedSurface()

DLLEXPORT_OST_IO mol::SurfaceHandle LoadManagedSurface ( const String name,
const String filename,
const String type = "auto" 

◆ LoadMap() [1/2]

DLLEXPORT_OST_IO img::MapHandle LoadMap ( const boost::filesystem::path &  loc)

Alias for the equivalent LoadImage function.

◆ LoadMap() [2/2]

DLLEXPORT_OST_IO img::MapHandle LoadMap ( const boost::filesystem::path &  loc,
const ImageFormatBase formatstruct 

Alias for the equivalent LoadImage function.

◆ LoadMMCIF()

def (   filename,
  fault_tolerant = None,
  calpha_only = None,
  profile = 'DEFAULT',
  remote = False,
  seqres = False,
  info = False 
Load an mmCIF file and return the first model as an entity.

Several options allow to customize the exact behaviour of the mmCIF import.
For more information on these options, see :doc:`profile`.

Residues are flagged as ligand if they are not waters nor covered by an
``entity_poly`` record (ie. they are non-polymer entities in
``pdbx_entity_nonpoly``). Note that all residues except waters will be
flagged as ligands if ``seqres=False`` (the default).

:param filename: File to be loaded
:type filename: :class:`str`

:param fault_tolerant: Enable/disable fault-tolerant import. If set, overrides
                       the value of :attr:`IOProfile.fault_tolerant`.
:type fault_tolerant: :class:`bool`

:param calpha_only: When set to true, forces the importer to only load atoms
                    named CA. If set, overrides the value of
:type calpha_only: :class:`bool`

:param profile: Aggregation of flags and algorithms to control import and
                processing of molecular structures. Can either be a
                :class:`str` specifying one of the default profiles
                ['DEFAULT', 'SLOPPY', 'CHARMM', 'STRICT'] or an actual object
                of type :class:``. If a :class:`str` defines
                a default profile, :attr:`IOProfile.processor` is set to
                :class:`ost.conop.RuleBasedProcessor` with the currently
                set :class:`ost.conop.CompoundLib` available as
                :func:`ost.conop.GetDefaultLib()`. If no
                :class:`ost.conop.CompoundLib` is available,
                :class:`ost.conop.HeuristicProcessor` is used instead. See
                :doc:`profile` for more info.
:type profile: :class:`str`/:class:``

:param remote: If set to True, the method tries to load the pdb from the 
               remote pdb repository The filename is then
               interpreted as the pdb id.
:type remote: :class:`bool`

:param seqres: Whether to return SEQRES records. If True, a
               :class:`~ost.seq.SequenceList` object is returned as the second
               item. The sequences in the list are named according to the
               mmCIF chain name.
               This feature requires a default
               :class:`compound library <ost.conop.CompoundLib>`
               to be defined and accessible via
               :func:`~ost.conop.GetDefaultLib`. One letter codes of non
               standard compounds are set to X otherwise.
:type seqres: :class:`bool`

:param info: Whether to return an info container with the other output.
             If True, a :class:`MMCifInfo` object is returned as last item.
:type info: :class:`bool`

:rtype: :class:`~ost.mol.EntityHandle` (or tuple if *seqres* or *info* are

:raises: :exc:`` if the import fails due to an erroneous
         or non-existent file.

Definition at line 348 of file

◆ LoadPDB()

def (   filename,
  restrict_chains = "",
  no_hetatms = None,
  fault_tolerant = None,
  load_multi = False,
  join_spread_atom_records = None,
  calpha_only = None,
  profile = 'DEFAULT',
  remote = False,
  remote_repo = 'pdb',
  dialect = None,
  seqres = False,
  bond_feasibility_check = None,
  read_conect = False 
Load PDB file from disk and return one or more entities. Several options 
allow to customize the exact behaviour of the PDB import. For more information 
on these options, see :doc:`profile`.

Residues are flagged as ligand if they are mentioned in a HET record.

:param filename: File to be loaded
:type filename: :class:`str`

:param restrict_chains: If not an empty string, only chains listed in the
                        string will be imported.
:type restrict_chains: :class:`str`

:param no_hetatms: If set to True, HETATM records will be ignored. Overrides 
                   the value of :attr:`IOProfile.no_hetatms`
:type no_hetatms: :class:`bool`

:param fault_tolerant: Enable/disable fault-tolerant import. If set, overrides 
                       the value of :attr:`IOProfile.fault_tolerant`.
:type fault_tolerant: :class:`bool`

:param load_multi: If set to True, a list of entities will be returned instead
                   of only the first. This is useful when dealing with
                   multi-PDB files.
:type load_multi: :class:`bool`

:param join_spread_atom_records: If set, overrides the value of 
:type join_spread_atom_records: :class:`bool`

:param calpha_only: When set to true, forces the importer to only load atoms
                    named CA. If set, overrides the value of
:type calpha_only: :class:`bool`

:param profile: Aggregation of flags and algorithms to control import and
                processing of molecular structures. Can either be a
                :class:`str` specifying one of the default profiles
                ['DEFAULT', 'SLOPPY', 'CHARMM', 'STRICT'] or an actual object
                of type :class:``. If a :class:`str` defines
                a default profile, :attr:`IOProfile.processor` is set to
                :class:`ost.conop.RuleBasedProcessor` with the currently
                set :class:`ost.conop.CompoundLib` available as
                :func:`ost.conop.GetDefaultLib()`. If no
                :class:`ost.conop.CompoundLib` is available,
                :class:`ost.conop.HeuristicProcessor` is used instead. See
                :doc:`profile` for more info.
:type profile: :class:`str`/:class:``

:param remote: If set to True, the method tries to load the pdb from the remote
               repository given as *remote_repo*. The filename is then
               interpreted as the entry id as further specified for the
               *remote_repo* parameter.
:type remote: :class:`bool`

:param remote_repo: Remote repository to fetch structure if *remote* is True. 
                    Must be one in ['pdb', 'smtl', 'pdb_redo']. In case of 
                    'pdb' and 'pdb_redo', the entry must be given as lower 
                    case pdb id, which loads the deposited assymetric unit 
                    (e.g. '1ake'). In case of 'smtl', the entry must also 
                    specify the desired biounit (e.g. '1ake.1').
:type remote_repo: :class:`str`
:param dialect: Specifies the particular dialect to use. If set, overrides 
                the value of :attr:`IOProfile.dialect`
:type dialect: :class:`str`

:param seqres: Whether to read SEQRES records. If set to True, the loaded 
               entity and seqres entry will be returned as a tuple.
               If file doesnt contain SEQRES records, the returned
               :class:`ost.seq.SequenceList` will be invalid.
:type seqres: :class:`bool`

:param bond_feasibility_check: Flag for :attr:`IOProfile.processor`. If
                               turned on, atoms are only connected by
                               bonds if they are within a reasonable distance
                               (as defined by
                               If set, overrides the value of
:type bond_feasibility_check: :class:`bool`
:param read_conect: By default, OpenStructure doesn't read CONECT statements in
                    a pdb file. Reason is that they're often missing and we prefer
                    to rely on the chemical component dictionary from the PDB.
                    However, there may be cases where you really want these CONECT
                    statements. For example novel compounds with no entry in
                    the chemical component dictionary. Setting this to True has
                    two effects: 1) CONECT statements are read and blindly applied
                    2) The processor does not connect any pair of HETATOM atoms in
                    order to not interfer with the CONECT statements.
:type read_conect: :class:`bool`

:rtype: :class:`~ost.mol.EntityHandle` or a list thereof if `load_multi` is 

:raises: :exc:`` if the import fails due to an erroneous or 
    inexistent file

Definition at line 82 of file

◆ LoadPQR()

mol::EntityHandle DLLEXPORT_OST_IO LoadPQR ( const String file_name)

◆ LoadSDF() [1/2]

mol::EntityHandle DLLEXPORT_OST_IO LoadSDF ( const String file_name)

◆ LoadSDF() [2/2]

def (   filename,
  fault_tolerant = None,
  profile = 'DEFAULT' 
Load SDF file from disk and return an entity.

:param filename: File to be loaded
:type filename: :class:`str`

:param fault_tolerant: Enable/disable fault-tolerant import. If set, overrides
                       the value of :attr:`IOProfile.fault_tolerant`.
:type fault_tolerant: :class:`bool`

:param profile: Aggregation of flags and algorithms to control import and
                processing of molecular structures. Can either be a
                :class:`str` specifying one of the default profiles
                ['DEFAULT', 'SLOPPY', 'CHARMM', 'STRICT'] or an actual object
                of type :class:``.
                See :doc:`profile` for more info.
:type profile: :class:`str`/:class:``

:raises: :exc:`` if the import fails due to an erroneous or
    inexistent file

Definition at line 561 of file

◆ LoadSequence()

seq::SequenceHandle DLLEXPORT_OST_IO LoadSequence ( const String file_name,
const String format = "auto" 

◆ LoadSequenceList()

seq::SequenceList DLLEXPORT_OST_IO LoadSequenceList ( const String file_name,
const String format = "auto" 

◆ LoadSequenceProfile()

seq::ProfileHandlePtr DLLEXPORT_OST_IO LoadSequenceProfile ( const String file_name,
const String format = "auto" 

◆ LoadSurface()

DLLEXPORT_OST_IO mol::SurfaceHandle LoadSurface ( const String filename,
const String type = "auto" 

◆ MMCifStringToEntity()

std::tuple< mol::EntityHandle, MMCifInfo, ost::seq::SequenceList > DLLEXPORT_OST_IO MMCifStringToEntity ( const String mmcif,
const IOProfile profile,
bool  process 

◆ MMCifValueOrderToOSTBondOrder()

DLLEXPORT_OST_IO unsigned char MMCifValueOrderToOSTBondOrder ( const StringRef  value_order)

Translate mmCIF info on bond type (e.g. pdbx_entity_branch_link.value_order) to OST bond_order.

value_orderabbreviation detemrining the bond order

◆ OMFToMMCifString()

String DLLEXPORT_OST_IO OMFToMMCifString ( const ost::io::OMF omf,
const String data_name,
ost::conop::CompoundLibPtr  compound_lib,
bool  mmcif_conform,
const std::vector< MMCifWriterEntity > &  entity_info = std::vector< MMCifWriterEntity >() 

◆ operator<<() [1/4]

DLLEXPORT_OST_IO std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const MMCifInfoEntityBranchLink eb 

◆ operator<<() [2/4]

DLLEXPORT_OST_IO std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const std::vector< MMCifInfoEntityBranchLink > &  eb_list 

◆ operator<<() [3/4]

std::ostream& ost::io::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const FormattedLine line 

Definition at line 229 of file formatted_line.hh.

◆ operator<<() [4/4]

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const IOProfile p 

Definition at line 61 of file io_profile.hh.

◆ OSTBondOrderToMMCifValueOrder()

DLLEXPORT_OST_IO String OSTBondOrderToMMCifValueOrder ( const unsigned char  bond_order)

Translate an OST bond_order to mmCIF value_order.

bond_orderOST bond order

◆ PDBStringToEntity()

mol::EntityHandle DLLEXPORT_OST_IO PDBStringToEntity ( const String pdb,
const IOProfile profile = IOProfile(),
bool  process = false 

◆ RawSerialize() [1/2]

void ost::io::RawSerialize ( BinaryDataSink sink,
char *  value,
size_t  size 

Definition at line 87 of file binary_data_sink.hh.

◆ RawSerialize() [2/2]

void ost::io::RawSerialize ( BinaryDataSource sink,
char *  value,
size_t  size 

Definition at line 87 of file binary_data_source.hh.

◆ ReadStereoChemicalPropsFile() [1/2]

ost::mol::alg::StereoChemicalProps ReadStereoChemicalPropsFile ( bool  check = false)

◆ ReadStereoChemicalPropsFile() [2/2]

ost::mol::alg::StereoChemicalProps ReadStereoChemicalPropsFile ( String  filename,
bool  check = false 

◆ SaveAlignment()

void DLLEXPORT_OST_IO SaveAlignment ( const seq::AlignmentHandle msa,
const String filename,
const String format = "auto" 

◆ SaveCHARMMTraj()

void DLLEXPORT_OST_IO SaveCHARMMTraj ( const mol::CoordGroupHandle coord_group,
const String pdb_filename,
const String dcd_filename,
unsigned int  stride = 1,
const IOProfile profile = IOProfile() 

export coord group as PDB file and DCD trajectory if the pdb filename is an empty string, it won't be exported the optional stride parameter will cause every nth frame to be exported

◆ SaveEntity() [1/2]

void DLLEXPORT_OST_IO SaveEntity ( const mol::EntityHandle en,
const String filename,
const String format = "auto" 

Save entity handle.

enis the entity to be saved
filenameis the output filename
formatspecifies what output format is used for export. If set to auto the format is deduced from the file extension

◆ SaveEntity() [2/2]

void DLLEXPORT_OST_IO SaveEntity ( const mol::EntityView en,
const String filename,
const String format = "auto" 

Save entity view.

This method provides a convenient way to save only a certain part of an entity, i.e. to filter out water and ligands or to create a backbone-only model.

enis the entity view to be saved.
filenameis the output filename
formatspecifies what output format is used for export. If set to auto the format is deduced from the file extension

◆ SaveImage() [1/2]

DLLEXPORT_OST_IO void SaveImage ( const img::ImageHandle image,
const boost::filesystem::path &  loc 

Function that saves an image to a file.

This function saves an image on disk. The function automatically determines the file format by looking at the filename extension. In case the extension is not availabel, the function will throw an error

See also
Spoke Pattern Example

◆ SaveImage() [2/2]

DLLEXPORT_OST_IO void SaveImage ( const img::ImageHandle image,
const boost::filesystem::path &  loc,
const ImageFormatBase formatstruct 

Function that saves an image to a file using a specified format.

This function saves an image on disk using the format specified in the function call

See also
Spoke Pattern Example

◆ SaveMap() [1/2]

DLLEXPORT_OST_IO void SaveMap ( const img::ImageHandle image,
const boost::filesystem::path &  loc 

Alias for the equivalent SaveImage function.

◆ SaveMap() [2/2]

DLLEXPORT_OST_IO void SaveMap ( const img::ImageHandle image,
const boost::filesystem::path &  loc,
const ImageFormatBase formatstruct 

Alias for the equivalent SaveImage function.

◆ SaveMMCIF()

def (   ent,
  compound_lib = conop.GetDefaultLib(),
  data_name = "OST_structure",
  mmcif_conform = True,
  entity_info = MMCifWriterEntityList() 
Save OpenStructure entity in mmCIF format

:param ent:           OpenStructure Entity to be saved
:param filename:      Filename - .gz suffix triggers gzip compression
:param compound_lib:  Compound library required when writing, uses
                      :func:`ost.conop.GetDefaultLib` if not given
:param data_name:     Name of data block that will be written to
                      mmCIF file. Typically, thats the PDB ID or some
:param mmcif_conform: Controls processing of structure, i.e. identification
                      of mmCIF entities etc. before writing. Detailed
                      description in :ref:`MMCif writing`. In short:
                      If *mmcif_conform* is set to True, Chains in *ent* are
                      expected to be valid mmCIF entities with residue numbers
                      set according to underlying SEQRES. That should be the
                      case when *ent* has been loaded with :func:`LoadMMCIF`.
                      If *mmcif_conform* is set to False, heuristics kick in
                      to identify and separate mmCIF entities based on
                      :class:`ost.mol.ChemClass` of the residues in a chain.
:type ent: :class:`ost.mol.EntityHandle`/:class:`ost.mol.EntityView`
:param entity_info: Advanced usage - description in :ref:`MMCif writing`
:type filename: :class:`str`
:type compound_lib: :class:`ost.conop.CompoundLib`
:type data_name: :class:`str`
:type mmcif_conform: :class:`bool`
:type entity_info: :class:`MMCifWriterEntityList`

Definition at line 456 of file

◆ SavePDB()

def (   models,
  dialect = None,
  pqr = False,
  profile = 'DEFAULT' 
Save entity or list of entities to disk. If a list of entities is supplied
the PDB file will be saved as a multi PDB file. Each of the entities is
wrapped into a MODEL/ENDMDL pair.

If the atom number exceeds 99999, '*****' is used.

:param models: The entity or list of entities (handles or views) to be saved
:param filename: The filename
:type  filename: string
:raises: IOException if the restrictions of the PDB format are not satisfied
         (with the exception of atom numbers, see above):

           * Chain names with more than one character
           * Atom positions with coordinates outside range [-999.99, 9999.99]
           * Residue names longer than three characters
           * Atom names longer than four characters
           * Numeric part of :class:`ost.mol.ResNum` outside range [-999, 9999] 
           * Alternative atom indicators longer than one character

Definition at line 256 of file

◆ SaveSDF() [1/2]

void DLLEXPORT_OST_IO SaveSDF ( const mol::EntityHandle ent,
const String file_name 

◆ SaveSDF() [2/2]

void DLLEXPORT_OST_IO SaveSDF ( const mol::EntityView ent,
const String file_name 

◆ SaveSequence()

void DLLEXPORT_OST_IO SaveSequence ( const seq::ConstSequenceHandle sequence,
const String filename,
const String format = "auto" 

◆ SaveSequenceList()

void DLLEXPORT_OST_IO SaveSequenceList ( const seq::ConstSequenceList seq_list,
const String filename,
const String format = "auto" 

◆ SDFStringToEntity()

mol::EntityHandle DLLEXPORT_OST_IO SDFStringToEntity ( const String pdb,
const IOProfile profile 

◆ SequenceFromStream()

seq::SequenceHandle DLLEXPORT_OST_IO SequenceFromStream ( std::istream &  stream,
const String format 

◆ SequenceFromString()

seq::SequenceHandle DLLEXPORT_OST_IO SequenceFromString ( const String data,
const String format 

◆ SequenceListFromStream()

seq::SequenceList DLLEXPORT_OST_IO SequenceListFromStream ( std::istream &  stream,
const String format 

◆ SequenceListFromString()

seq::SequenceList DLLEXPORT_OST_IO SequenceListFromString ( const String data,
const String format 

◆ SequenceListToString()

String DLLEXPORT_OST_IO SequenceListToString ( const seq::ConstSequenceList seq_list,
const String format 

◆ SequenceProfileFromString()

seq::ProfileHandlePtr DLLEXPORT_OST_IO SequenceProfileFromString ( const String data,
const String format 

◆ SequenceToString()

String DLLEXPORT_OST_IO SequenceToString ( const seq::ConstSequenceHandle sequence,
const String format = "auto" 

◆ Serialize() [1/8]

void ost::io::Serialize ( BinaryDataSink sink,
const std::map< K, V > &  value 

Definition at line 62 of file container_serialization.hh.

◆ Serialize() [2/8]

void ost::io::Serialize ( BinaryDataSink sink,
const std::vector< T > &  value 

Definition at line 32 of file container_serialization.hh.

◆ Serialize() [3/8]

void ost::io::Serialize ( BinaryDataSink sink,
const String str 

Definition at line 92 of file binary_data_sink.hh.

◆ Serialize() [4/8]

void ost::io::Serialize ( BinaryDataSink sink,
const T &  value 

Definition at line 79 of file binary_data_sink.hh.

◆ Serialize() [5/8]

void ost::io::Serialize ( BinaryDataSource source,
std::map< K, V > &  value 

Definition at line 72 of file container_serialization.hh.

◆ Serialize() [6/8]

void ost::io::Serialize ( BinaryDataSource source,
std::vector< T > &  value 

Definition at line 46 of file container_serialization.hh.

◆ Serialize() [7/8]

void ost::io::Serialize ( BinaryDataSource source,
String str 

Definition at line 93 of file binary_data_source.hh.

◆ Serialize() [8/8]

void ost::io::Serialize ( BinaryDataSource source,
T &  value 

Definition at line 80 of file binary_data_source.hh.

◆ swap_buf()

void swap_buf ( T *  p,
int  n 

Definition at line 55 of file swap_util.hh.

◆ swap_double()

void ost::io::swap_double ( double *  p,
int  n 

Definition at line 49 of file swap_util.hh.

◆ swap_float()

void ost::io::swap_float ( float *  p,
int  n 

Definition at line 47 of file swap_util.hh.

◆ swap_int()

void ost::io::swap_int ( int *  p,
int  n 

Definition at line 43 of file swap_util.hh.

◆ swap_long()

void ost::io::swap_long ( long *  p,
int  n 

Definition at line 51 of file swap_util.hh.

◆ swap_short()

void ost::io::swap_short ( short int *  p,
short int  n 

Definition at line 39 of file swap_util.hh.

◆ swap_uint()

void ost::io::swap_uint ( uint p,
int  n 

Definition at line 45 of file swap_util.hh.

◆ swap_ushort()

void ost::io::swap_ushort ( unsigned short int *  p,
short int  n 

Definition at line 41 of file swap_util.hh.

Variable Documentation


const int OMF_VERSION = 3

Definition at line 33 of file omf.hh.

◆ profiles

profiles = IOProfiles()

Definition at line 74 of file