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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 CAlgorithmBaseAlgorithm base class
 CAlignedColumnProvides access to a column in a aligned region or a sequence alignment
 CAlignedCuboidAxis-aligned cuboid
 CAlignedRegionRegion in a sequence alignment
 CAlignmentHandleRepresentation of a multiple sequence alignemnt consisting of two or more sequences
 CAlignmentOptsOptions for local and global sequence alignment algorithms
 CAminoAcidSetAmino acid bit set
 Cbinary_dispatch_ip< FNC >In-place binary dispatch
 Cbinary_dispatch_op< FNC >Out-of-place binary dispatch
 CBondTable< ATOM >
 CBondTableEntry< ATOM >
 Ccircular_iter< T >
 CClashingDistancesList of reference atom-atom distances to detect clashes between non-bonded atoms
 CCompoundKnows about the atoms and bonds of a chemical compounds
 Cconst_circular_iter< T >
 CConstDataAbstract base class for read-only data
 CConstGenericPropContainer< H >
 CConstGenericPropContainer< ConstSequenceHandle >
 CConstSequenceListList of immutable sequences
 CContactWeightMatrixMatrix to weight pairs of amino-acids
 CCoordGroupHandleCoordinate group, for trajectories and such
 CCoordSourceCoordinate source
 CCRDReaderCHARMM coordinate file import
 CCuboidArbitrary oriented bounding cuboid
 CCuboidAxisCuboid axis defined by a normalized direction vector and a half extent
 CDatabaseSQLite database handle
 CDataObserverAbstract base class of data observer
 CDihedralLow level dihedral implementation
 CDiscreteShrinkFncShrink image by integral amount
 CDist2MeanContainer for distances to mean for N structures. Main functionality: Get/Set, ExportXXX
 CDistancesContainer for a pair wise distance for each structure. Each structure is identified by its index in the originally used alignment
 CEditorBaseBase class for entity editors
 CEntityIOHandlerPure abstract base class for entity io handlers
 CEntityIOHandlerFactoryBasePure abstract base class for creation of a specfic entity io handle
 CEntityViewVisitorEntityViewVisitor interface
 CEntityVisitorEntityVisitor interface
 CExtentDefines lower and upper valid indices
 CExtentIteratorExtent iterator
 CFixedString< LENGTH >String class that uses an array of static size to hold the characters
 CGaussianFilterBaseGaussian Filter
 CGaussianGradientMagnitudeFilterBaseFirst Derivative Gaussian Filter
 CGaussianLaplacianFilterBaseGaussian Filter
 CGenericPropContainerImplBase class for the implementation
 CGenPropStruct to store info about GenericProperties parsed from the
 CGradientColor gradient
 CImageStateConstModIPVisitorBaseIn-place modifying image state const visitor base class
 CImageStateConstModOPVisitorBaseOut-of-place modifying image state const visitor base class
 CImageStateModIPVisitorBaseIn-place modifying image state visitor base class
 CImageStateModOPVisitorBaseOut-of-place modifying image state visitor base class
 CImageStateMorphVisitorBaseMorphing image state visitor base class
 CImageStateNonModVisitorBaseNon-modifying image state visitor base class
 CIndex< D >
 CIndexBase< D >
 CIndexBase< 1 >
 CIndexBase< 2 >
 CIndexBase< 3 >
 CIndexBase< 4 >
 CIndexBase< 5 >
 CIndexBase< 6 >
 CIndexBase< 7 >
 CIndexIterator< D >
 CInfoHandleMain info handle
 CInfoPathEncapsulates path to info groups and items
 CInsDelGet insertions and deletions of an alignment
 CIOManagerCentral registry for input/output handlers
 CLineAverageBaseComputes mean value of columns or lines
 CLineIteratorLine iterator generator
 CMapOctreeOctree datastructure for 3D images
 CMMCifInfoContainer class for additional information from MMCif files
 CMMCifInfoEntityBranchLinkStore information on branched structures (oligosaccharides)
 CMMCifInfoObsoleteContainer class for information on obsolete entries
 CMMCifInfoRevisionsContainer class for information on file revisions See Python doc
 CNormalizeFncAbstract normalizer base class
 CObservableTemplated observable class
 COctreeIsocontIsocontouring of maps using an octree-optimization
 COverlayManagerObserverAbstract observer base class for the OverlayManager
 CPagedArray< T, P >Vector style container that splits content in pages, suited for large amounts of data. Comes with serialization functionality
 CPagedArray< char, 1048576 >
 CPagedArray< uint64_t, 1048576 >
 CPairSubstWeightMatrixPosition-independet pair substitution weight matrix
 CPairToTupleConverter< T1, T2 >Helper to convert between python tuple and std::pair
 CRasterImage::PixelSingle pixel spec
 CPixelSamplingHelper class to handle pixel sampling
 CPodVector< T >Vector container that treats its data as POD - even if it isn't in the strict sense
 Cpointer_it< T >
 CPQRReaderCHARMM coordinate file import
 CProfileColumnDefines profile of 20 frequencies for one residue
 CProfileDBContains a DB of profiles (identified by a unique name (String))
 CProfileHandleProvides a profile for a sequence
 CProfileIOHandlerPure abstract base class for profile io handlers
 CProfileIOHandlerFactoryBasePure abstract base class for creation of a specfic io handler
 CPtrObserver< T >
 Cquantity< Dimensions >
 Cquantity< detail::scalar_dimension >
 CQuerySelection Query
 CQueryFlagQuery flags
 CQueryImplQuery statement implementation
 CQueryStateHolds state used during query evaluation
 CRasterImageGeneric raster image
 CRingFinderClass for finding rings in an entity
 CRowSet< R >Row set iterator
 CSceneMain class for organization and root for the graphical display
 CSceneObserverInterface for observing graphical objects
 CSecStructureSecondary structure types as defined by DSSP. For convenience, the enum values match the characters used in the DSP file format
 CSecStructureSegmentConsecutive secondary structure element
 CSequenceIOHandlerPure abstract base class for entity io handlers
 CSequenceIOHandlerFactoryBasePure abstract base class for creation of a specfic alignment io handler
 CSequenceListList of sequences
 CSequenceListIterator< T, I >
 CSerializeHelper< B, T >
 CSerializeHelper< false, T >
 CSerializeHelper< true, T >
 CSerializeWriteHelper< B, T >
 CSerializeWriteHelper< false, T >
 CSerializeWriteHelper< true, T >
 CSizeClass encapsulating 1D to 3D size
 CSpatialOrganizer< ITEM, VEC >Spatial organizer
 CSpatialOrganizer< AtomImplPtr >
 CSpatialOrganizer< SurfaceVertexID >
 CStarParserParser for the STAR file format
 CStatAccumulator< MAX_MOMENT, DATATYPE >
 CStereoChemicalParamsList of stereo chemical parameters (Bonds and angles)
 CStringRefConvenient datatype for referencing character data
 CSubstWeightMatrixPosition-independet substitution weight matrix
 CSuperpositionResultStores the number of cycles and the two final EntityViews (in case IterativeSuperposition was applied), the root mean square deviation of the two superposed objects and the transformation matrix (geom::Mat4) to superpose input1 onto input2
 CTorsionHandleNamed torsion (dihedral) angle
 CTransformBasic and essential transformation class, including translation, rotation and center of rotation
 CTransformationTransformation base class
 CTriMatrix< T >Triangular matrix template
 CTriMatrix< ost::seq::alg::Distances >
 CTriMatrix< Real >
 Cunary_dispatch_ip< FNC >In-place unary dispatch
 Cunary_dispatch_op< FNC >Out-of-place unary dispatch
 CUniqueAtomIdentifierContains the infomation needed to uniquely identify an atom in a structure
 CValueHolder< V >
 CValueHolder< T >
 CVectorToListConverter< T >Helper to convert between python list tuple and std::vecot
 CViewAddFlagFlags to control the behaviour when adding handles to views